Learning Target: I can work with my group to connect vocabulary terms with their definition and highlight key words. (put on top of the new divider) 11/17 DAY 6- GRAB 10 INDEX CARDS TO SET UP UNIT III, SET UP YOUR NEW TABLE OF CONTENTS- WASHINGTON TO MADISON
DIRECTIONS FOR TODAY With your group: Divide up the long strips of vocab definitions Divide up the small vocab terms slips Manipulate the vocab terms and definitions until you are satisfied they are correct. Call over one of the teachers to check Begin to enter vocab terms and definitions onto your flip cards. FINISH YOUR FLIP CARDS FOR HOMEWORK- Make sure you HIGHLIGHT KEY WORDS in definition or/and DRAW A PICTURE.
Judicial Review Elastic Clause War of 1812 Impressment Protective Tariff Judicial Act of 1789 Pinckney’s Treaty 1795 Jay’s Treaty War Hawks National Bank UNIT III VOCABULARY TERMS-PER 1,2,7 Whiskey Rebellion Unwritten Constitution XYZ Affair Alien and Sedition Acts Louisiana Purchase Neutrality Democratic Republicans Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Cabinet Precedent
Learning Target: I can work with my group to connect vocabulary terms with their definition and highlight key words. (put on top of the new divider) 11/17 DAY 6- GRAB 6 INDEX CARDS TO SET UP UNIT III, SET UP YOUR NEW TABLE OF CONTENTS- WASHINGTON TO MADISON
Whiskey Rebellion Unwritten Constitution XYZ Affair Alien and Sedition Acts Louisiana Purchase Neutrality Judicial Review Elastic Clause War of 1812 Impressment Protective Tariff UNIT III VOCAB- PER 4&6