Mike Ribble, Ed.D. District Director of Technology Manhattan-Ogden School District Manhattan, KS
Teaching Process for Using Technology Helping users to understand how to use new technologies Created the process to have an organized way to look at technologies (especially new ones) Wanted to have a process of how people learn today?
Four-Stage Technology Learning Framework for Teaching Digital Citizenship Guided Practice Modeling and Demonstration AwarenessFeedback and Analysis Continuous Process Digital CitizenshipReflection
Stage One Awareness Awareness means engaging students to become technologically literate. Awareness is not simple knowledge or information of hardware and software. It is understanding the issues of misusing and abusing hardware and software. Students need to learn what is appropriate and not appropriate when using digital technologies.
Here are some questions when in the awareness stage: ● Do I have a good understanding of how the technology works, and how using this technology can affect me and others? ● Have I learned about the potential problems or issues related to using this technology? ● Could I use this technology in such as way that it is acceptable to my parents and friends?
Stage One - Activity How would we put into practice Awareness? Before acquiring a new technology take some time to discuss some of the issues that might occur with that technology. Have an open discussion of what issues you have seen with a technology used by others (e.g., cell phone use, texting, etc.) focus on the issues might arise from using the technology or features.
Step Two Guided Practice Users need opportunities to use the technology under guidance of others. There needs to be an atmosphere where exploration and risk taking are promoted. During this same time period, users will need support and guidance. Users need the ability to practice Digital Citizenship skills while the leaders acts as a guide. Without guided practice, inappropriate use of technology can occur without the user even being aware of it. Users need to have an opportunity to learn the skills in a safe environment.
Here are some questions to help direct users: ● When I use technologies, do I recognize when there is an issue of inappropriateness? Why or why not? ● Have I considered the appropriateness of my actions? Why or why not? ● Can I differentiate examples of technology misuse and abuse? Why or why not? ● What do I need to do to become aware of my actions when using technology?
Stage Two - Activity What can we do to help with Guided Practice? When your student uses technology in a manner you consider inappropriate; have the student stop immediately and discuss what should have been the correct usage and why. For example: if your student is sharing personal information on the Internet, have them stop and determine why this would not be a good choice.
Four-Stage Technology Learning Framework for Teaching Digital Citizenship Guided Practice Modeling and Demonstration AwarenessFeedback and Analysis Continuous Process Digital CitizenshipReflection
Step Three Modeling and Demonstration Users need to see others following the proper technology-based citizen behaviors around them. Setting the example will help others understand what needs to be done. Users need to have numerous technology role models to gain a thorough understanding of Digital Citizenship. Users need to understand that technology use, misuse, and abuse have consequences. Everyone needs to model appropriate technology use on a regular basis.
Here are some focus questions: ● Am I violating laws, policies, or other codes by using technology in this way? Why or why not? ● Have I seen, read, or heard of similar situations? What were the consequences? ● Does Digital Citizenship provide direction for determining the appropriateness of my actions? How? Why?
Stage Three - Activity How do we Model and Demonstrate good technology behavior? If you as a teacher make a lapse in judgment when using technology, such as forgetting to turn your cell phone to vibrate, discuss how you too can become better at using technology appropriately. Have your students use the technology when around you – are they following your good example?
Step Four: Feedback and Analysis When users are not appropriately using technology there needs to be constructive criticism on how technologies should be used the in the home, school as well as out in society. Users have the opportunity to analyze and explore why they should use technologies in a certain way. Users should feel free to ask questions of why these behaviors are inappropriate and ways to change this activity. Without providing opportunities for self-reflection or self-contemplation, the inappropriate behavior will be repeated over and over in the future.
Users need to reflect on their actions and ask themselves the following questions about how they technology-related behavior: ● Am I satisfied with my decision? Why or why not? ● Am I satisfied with the outcome of the situation? Why or why not? ● Did my behavior have a positive or negative influence on others? Why? ● Did I go back and evaluate how I used the technology later? ● Did I think about possible alternatives of how to use the technology?
Stage Four - Activity How can we help with Feedback and Analysis? Make sure that students understand that they may have to reflect on their technology use. One possibility is to have students keep a log of their technology use and find a time once a week to discuss their usage. Provide opportunities to ask your students how they feel when using certain technologies.
How to Use With Students Teach the process to students, have them go through process each time they use technology As use multiple times then will become second nature Each time introduce new technology have students go through this process.
How to Use in the Classroom What would the activity look like to help students learn this process? Where would you begin? How can this be carried over to use at home?
Why Have a Process? By having a standard to follow then they know how to act with each technology. Provides a starting point for anyone using technology.