Approaches to Parenting
What Influences Parenting? Personal Influences Personality-your blend of intellectual, emotional and social traits Feelings About Children-opinions of what to learn, when and behaviour Parenting Values-education, time, finances Parenting Goals-clear goals where you are headed and what you want for kids
Outside Influences Families and Culture-location, religion, ethnic heritage (food, language, customs) Economic Conditions-individual (living within means) and social (healthy economy) Social Policies-a few can ruin for the rest(how laws are made) family related laws Parental Roles-moms at home to both working to dads at home Theories-child development-each have unique beliefs
Influential Theorists in Child Development Erickson-human development in 8 stages each with an emotional task to be mastered Paiget-intellectual stages that children go through as their minds develop Bronfenbrenner=human development is strongly affected by the surrounding environment Vygotsky-role of social interactions in learning Kohlberg-moral growth occurs in stages as they develop intellectually and socially Freud-childhood experiences, even when forgotten, affect a persons personality
Cont’d Montessori-based on Piaget-stressed that practising motor skills helps children interact with their environment Coles-actions of parents shape moral character in children from birth Skinner-development results from learned responses and the environment is the chief influence on behaviour (repeat/rewarded, avoid/punishment) Bandura-children learn by observing and modelling Brazelton-infant assessment scale-value of focussing on strengths versus what was done wrong Mustard-community support has benefits
Parenting Styles-the way a parent consistently interacts with children AuthoritativeAuthoritarianPermissive warmth, support, acceptance, indirect positive control and guidance strict, discipline, parental control and controlled emotions few rules and little parental control or guidance guidelines in place to help children to learn to live in society but adapt to different situation behaviour managed through reward and punishment Children may control the family Children tend to be better adjusted socially, emotionally and have better self-concept rules are rigid and must be followed closely often overindulged children children often feel rejected and have social and emotional problems Guidelines and rules seldom exist Children raised with this style often are impulsive, irresponsible and immature
Child Development Ages and Stages Age is child’s life at a given point in time and stage is he periods of development through maturity Infant – Birth to the first birthday Toddler – 1-3 Preschooler – 3-5 School-Age – 5 to puberty Adolescent – Puberty to adulthood
Making a Parenting Style Work Choose a style that feels right for you-better when you are comfortable Consider the child’s personality-shy, self-controlled etc. Use each style in moderation-too controlled, too permissive Identify areas where two parents’ styles conflict-child confusion Blend styles and be predictable REMEMBER “IF YOU SONT KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING YOU MAY WIND UP SOMEWHERE ELSE”
Review A number of reasons support the need for parenting education Today’s changing world makes learning about parenting important Society can benefit from positive parenting skills and suffer from poor ones Parenting can offer great satisfaction to those who thrive to do the job well Parents are responsible for the well-being of their children Parenting skills can be learned in many ways-within and external Confident parenting help families run smooth Parents need realistic expectations for themselves and their children Resources can be useful, recognize which are-family, friends, books etc. Being a team player with a sense of humour and sensitivity help family living Theories on childhood development exist influencing how children are raised Three parenting styles are usually used: Authoritative, Authoritarian and Permissive Styles can be blended, usually lean to one, or confused children A person’s approach is their parenting philosophy