Sanitation markets What do we mean by scale and resilience? … and some implications for policy and programming Nathaniel Mason - Research Fellow 4 December 2015
What do we mean by markets? Market - Any formal or informal structure (not necessarily a physical space) in which buyers and sellers exchange goods, labour or services for cash or other goods. The word ‘market’ can simply mean the place in which good or services are exchanged. Market system - A market system is a network of market actors, many buyers and sellers – not only one chain – supported by infrastructure and services, interacting within a context of institutions or rules that shape the actors’ trading environment - 'Markets and WaSH Learning Event, Nairobi, Kenya, 13 October 2015, convened by IRC, ACF and Oxfam, supported by USAID 3
What do we mean by scale? 4 Links in the value chain MarketingStorageCollectionDisposalTreatment Resource recovery Scale of business Sole trader Small-medium enterprise Multinational Micro enterprise Large enterprise
What do we mean by scale? 5 Key ingredients: - Finance - Expertise - (Public) policy ADB 2013 ADB 2010 M. Asokan PM launches Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan
What do we mean by resilience? 6 “The ability of the market system to absorb disturbance during a crisis and reorganize/return to pre-crisis state following an emergency” - Jonathan Parkinson, Oxfam GB Key ingredients: - Foresight - Agility - Innovation capacity - Safety nets
So what?
Balance 8 Arthur Mee and Holland Thompson, eds. The Book of Knowledge (New York, NY: The Grolier Society, 1912) SuSanA Secretariat, 2012
Aim 9 Hans Rudolf Manuel Deutsch (1525–1571), 1554 SuSanA Secretariat, 2010
Patience 10 GRANDVILLE Jean ( ), illustration from the 1855 edition of La Fontaine's Fables Kano, Nigeria. Photo by Shariz Chakera. 2005
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