C OLD S TORAGE Shaheena Yunos Vivian Ng Crystal Tang Neo Yong Theng Joel Sim
P LACE There are 46 stores in Singapore. 8 stores in Orchard itself ! The stores are located island wide!
P RICE Many singaporeans feel that the some of the products are more expensive compared to its competitors. Fairprice vs Cold Storage
P RODUCTS Food Fresh Food - Crabs, Fish(live). Can Food Frozen Food – Prawn, Fish, etc Convenient Food – Frozen Pizza, Pie, etc. Dessert – Ice Cream. Bakery – bread and waffles Beverages Alcoholic Beer, Wine, Liquor, etc Non-Alcoholic Soft Drink, Fruit Juice, Etc
P RODUCTS Non-Food Adult Section Adult Diapers Baby Section Lotion Detergent Diapers Home Choice Pet Food Pet Accessories Shoe Accessories Travel Misc.
B RAND P OSITIONING Create more awareness. More discounts on the items. Having more advertisements TV, print, etc.