2005 George R. Wiggans Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Beltsville, MD Reproduction data in USDA database
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (2) G. R. Wiggans 2005 History Pre-1997Days pregnant reported with lactation records 1997 –Earliest breeding information from specific breeding records 2003 –Pregnancy diagnosis code added to lactation records Format 5 for reproduction data All reported breeding events stored
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (3) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Format 5 reproductive events CodeDefinition HObserved in estrus (heat) but not inseminated SSynchronized estrus event (injection or other methods) AArtificial insemination (includes service sire ID) NNatural service breeding (includes service sire ID) EEmbryo donation IEmbryo implantation (reporting sire of embryo) JEmbryo implantation (reporting dam of embryo) PConfirmed pregnant OConfirmed not pregnant (open) XCow given “do not breed” designation ProposedInseminator ID
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (4) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Database design Record key –Cow, calving, herd Record fields –Status and production data –Up to 50 test-day segments –Up to 50 reproductive events
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (5) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Integration of lactation source data Breeding events from current lactation records stored –Different event type used (B) Pregnancy confirmation and estimated date derived from subsequent test date Service sire derived from progeny
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (6) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Current reproduction data Lactation or heifer ID/breeding records –2,336,621 cows calving in 2003 –304,183 heifers born in % include pregnancy confirmation –Most confirmations are affirmative 76% confirmed pregnant 24% confirmed not pregnant
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (7) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Current reproduction data Reproductive record (format 5) –Reporting from 2 DRPCs –57% of all cows Reporting herds with 10+ calvings –71% reported data in format 5 –24% reported breeding dates only (format 4) –81% reported either pregnancy confirmation (format 4) or diagnosis (format 5)
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (8) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Current reproduction data Cows –86% include at least 1 breeding –Mean number of breedings: 2.1 Heifers –82% include at least 1 breeding –Mean number of breedings: 1.5
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (9) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Format 5 data 89% of breedings include service sire Almost no estrus synchronization Very few embryo transfers –As either donor or recipient
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (10) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Uses Daughter pregnancy rate evaluation –Pregnancy status used to improve estimates of days open for lactations without subsequent calving Pedigree validation Planned evaluation of male fertility Research resource
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (11) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Service sire vs. calf sire 111,546 Holsteins –Born June – December 2004 –Registry status 75 –100% –Not embryo transfer –Sire and dam reported Comparison –Match: 48.7% –Service sire unknown: 49.3% –Sires different: 2.0%
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (12) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Resolution of differences Allow breeds to query AIPL database prior to issuance of registration: –Dam's calving date –Dam's service sire –Calf pedigree Benefits: –Use of data recorded closest to event –Conflicts resolved prior to registration –Conflicts between breed and DHI reduced
ADSA 2005: Reproduction data in USDA database (13) G. R. Wiggans 2005 Summary Extensive set of reproduction information collected High proportion of recent cows have some data Used to improve DPR May add to accuracy of sire identification Data for planned male fertility evaluation