User-Facing Projects Update David Hart, SDSC April 23, 2009
Q by the Numbers New users: 600 Startup/Education Requests: 205 –Pace for new users and startups slowing a bit in April March TRAC Results: 99% available SUs awarded –Which was 65% of requests! NUs Delivered: Up 30% in Q1 09 over Q4 08! Users Charging: 1,027 in Feb.; 1,093 in Mar. –First months ever with over 1,000 users charging jobs. –Expected to continue in April
Allocations Update RP discretionary projects can now be created in POPS and TGCDB –For RPs interested in tracking such usage. –Details to come at allocations-wg call tomorrow.
User Portal Updates Password Reset now available –Users can now reset their own passwords in the portal if they’ve forgotten their current password. Used 26 times in second half of March –Also means they don’t need to remember POPS login/password once they have a portal account. Easier interface for PIs to move/remove users –Deployed in March –Updated in early April in response to Campus Champion inquiry: PIs can now move users from one of their projects to another, e.g. from roaming to non-roaming projects, or from Startup to Research project. Next goal: Display (only) a user’s open tickets in the portal
Staffing Updates NCSA staffing reduced –Now just Vicki. NCSA formulating plan to back Vicki up without hiring new staff. –Affects time to create new users Ester (POPS developer) back from leave –Hurray!
Portal, Web Traffic for Q No unplanned outages in Q1 Logins to TGUP, visits across the board all growing
Documentation, Knowledgebase Documentation team coordinating with groups across TeraGrid –CUE –Software Integration –RDR Keeping Allocations documentation up to date Knowledgebase –60 documents created in Q1, 186 modified –Now have 585 TG articles in KB –Delivered 21,402 articles to “real” user inquires in Q1 Excludes bots and other crawlers
Funny Story Documentation team sent “mandatory” news item to all users on behalf of security-wg –Reminder not to share passwords or accounts One (of the very few complaints) to help desk –User (a PI) asked to not receive even these mandatory messages –Said they really needed to go to his student who was doing the work –And who, by the way, doesn’t have his own account. Success!?
Liferay: “Internet Framework” Migration UFP team spending April with hands-on evaluation of Liferay demo installation on current Rackspace servers –Running through checklist of features to try out –Understand the best ways to migrate existing capabilities and leverage advanced features of Liferay Early May will begin migration in earnest –Assuming no showstoppers crop up (not likely) Targeting end of PY4 –Migrated sites will have (nearly) identical look and feel In parallel, EOT/ER team looking at design and accessibility update