Agriculture and Rural Development SFC2014 and Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) management Petr Lapka DG Agriculture and Rural Development Unit "Consistency.


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Presentation transcript:

Agriculture and Rural Development SFC2014 and Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) management Petr Lapka DG Agriculture and Rural Development Unit "Consistency of rural development" 16 October 2013

2 Outline 1.Link Partnership agreement (PA) RD programme (RDP) 2.Link National Framework (NF) RDP 3.RDP structure 4.Indicative timeline 2

RDP contribution to PA Indicative allocation By thematic objective (RD priority/Focus Area) For climate change objective (RD priority/ Focus Area) By year/programme (Financial plan) 3 3 Adjusted (Completed) Manually EAFRD by thematic objectives Indicator plan (Contribution by priority/FA) Correspondence table thematic objectives priority/FA Partnership Agreement Contribution of RD Programmes Automatic aggregation EAFRD climate change EAFRD financial allocations Correspondence table climate change objectives priority/FA Financial plan (Allocation by year)

4 Other PA RDP links SFC2014 structured approach to help ensuring consistency: Ex-ante conditionalities: summary in PA and assessment in RDP Partnership principle: arrangements in PA and list of actions in RDP Efficient implementations: arrangement in PA and programme implementing arrangements in RDP … 4

RDP Financial allocation and NF "First table" of RDPs financial plans All programmes covered by NF Allocation by programme / year / type of region Simplification (RDP adjusted automatically when NF adopted) 5 5 Adjusted (Completed) Manually Financial plans adjusted Allocation of financial resources in RDPs National Framework Contribution of RD Programmes Adjusted automatically Adoption Table by programme / year / type of region Financial plan "first table" (year / type of region)

Measure description Measure description in NF can be: Reused in RDPs (Copy&Paste from NF with no modification) Copied and adjusted (no automatic control of the content in RDPs) Some sections might need to be completed:  Aid intensity : range in NF, rate (within the range) in RDPs  Eligibility conditions: common approach in NF, conditions set in RDPs 6 6 Description of measures Framework description reused, but adjusted / modified Programming of measures National FrameworkRD Programmes No modification Framework description Copy & adjust 6

7 Additional financing NF can be used (optional) to declare: Additional national financing (Article 42 of TFUE) Elements needed for state aid assessment Actual programming of Additional national financing / State aid at the level of regional RDPs 7

8 Encoding RDP in SFC2014 Definition of the geographical area covered Selection of categories of contribution rates type of regions and other specific contribution rates (Article 65) Other general information name of the RDP, identification of sub-programmes, logo for the cover page, etc. 8

The ex ante evaluation Description of the process, e.g. timing of main events, intermediate reports, etc. Overview of recommendations Full ex-ante evaluation as attachment, e.g.: or 9 Description of the process [Text: X characters]

SWOT analysis for the whole RDP Needs to be structured around priorities/Focus Areas RDP identification of needs 10 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats SWOTNeeds structured around Union priorities / Focus Areas Priority 1 Focus Area 1A Focus Area 2B etc. […] Focus Area 1B Specific needs concerning: environment, climate change, innovation [Description] Identification of Needs Focus Area 1C Identification of Needs Priority 2 Focus Area 2A Identification of Needs Overall description Context indicators (Optional) Same need(s)

Overall description (whole RDP): selection of priorities/Focus Areas to be addressed based on SWOT and Need assessment Choice and justification of RD measures combination (by priority/Focus Area) Description of the strategy 11 SWOT Needs by priority / Focus Area Identification of needs Choice of FAs FA 1c) etc. Combination of measures and justification FA 1a) FA 1b) Combination of measures and justification Overall description

Structure automatically generated from RDP chapters: General description Description of the strategy Financial plan 12 General description Description of the strategy Based on Financial plan tables Annual EAFRD contribution Type of regions and other sources of financing Breakdown by measure and type of operation Measures programmed Different types of contribution rates Discontinued measures Sub-programmes: Indicative breakdown by measure

Structure automatically generated from Description of the strategy Codification of measures / "sub-measures" RDP Indicator plan 13 Codification of "sub-measures" Description of the strategy Based on Indicator plan Target indicators by Focus Area Output indicators by measure contributing to each FA Focus Areas and measures programmed

Only for measures programmed: Based on the description of the strategy Simplified structure for Article 22 and 37 Separate measure description for Articles 23-27&35 and Measure description 14 Codification of measures Description of the strategy Based on Description of each of measure selected General description Contribution to FA Scope and level of support by type of operations Verifiability & Controllability Methodology for calculations Other information Measure specific information Measures programmed

List of types of operations: Type of operation = same conditions apply (contribution to "sub- measures", contribution rate, beneficiaries, etc.) Scope and level of support 15 Codification of "sub-measures" List of type of operation programmed List of types of operation Description of each type of operation Title of the Operation Contribution to "sub-measures" Type of support … Amounts and support rates (aid intensity) For each type of operation

16 Thematic sub-programme Specific SWOT and identification of needs: Same structure as for the RDP (chapter SWOT) Selection of measures, based on definition of intervention logic Same structure as for the RDP (chapter definition of the strategy) Separate specific indicator plan Same structure as for the RDP (chapter Indicator plan) No specific context indicators Context indicators defined at RDP level No specific financial plan Indicative table by measure only – as part of RDP financial plan 16

Timeline for PA, NF and RDPs 17 General regulation adopted Partnership Agreement Submitted (MS) Max 4 months All RDPs and NF (MS) Partnership Agreement Adoption Max 1 month Programmes Adoption (EC) Observations by EC MS and all ESI FundsMS and individual Funds Observations by EC Max 3 months Note: Time spent by MS to reply to EC observations does not count towards the deadlines CAP regulation adopted EAFRD only

Timeline for SFC General regulation adopted PA template (End of 2013*) RDP template (January 2014*) MS and all ESI FundsMS and EAFRD Note: Some "text-only" chapters might be structured later on to meet the deadlines CAP regulation adopted EAFRD only Sub-programme template (January 2014*) National Framework (January 2014*) NRN programmes (Beginning of 2014*) Prototype tested/finalised in collaboration with MS (September – December 2014) * Indicative (technically earliest possible) dates: depend on the dates of adoption of the regulations

Agriculture and Rural Development Thank you for your attention