Academic Programs and Graduate Studies Office of Semester Conversion Questions/Concerns?? Note them on the 3X5 Card October 5, 2015 LI2250 Get InFORMed: Support for Completing Graduate and Post Graduate Program Forms: 12:00-1:30
Semester Curriculum Conversion Schedule We are here
Deadlines for Programs and Departments ProgramDue Date Service courses10/12/15 – 12/11/15 Graduate and credential programs 11/16/15 – 2/12/16 Undergraduate programs1/11/16 – 5/13/16 General education courses1/11/16 – 5/13/16
Workshop Outcomes Understand University requirements for semester conversion of graduate programs Correctly complete the Revision of Graduate Program Form Overview of additional forms to complete Identify resources available to support you Consult one-on-one with support faculty and staff to address your needs.
Definition of Graduate-Level Instruction in the CSU “The graduate course deals with more complex ideas, materials, techniques, or problems than the undergraduate course and demands searching and exhaustive analysis.” CSU Office of the Chancellor Program Planning Resource Guide, Fall 2014, pps 89 – 97.
Graduate Students Possess Maturity, responsibility, and scholarly integrity appropriate to study beyond the baccalaureate level. A broad base of knowledge, usually represented by the possession of the bachelor’s degree. Competence in the specified field, usually represented by a substantial body of upper division study in the field or in a closely related field. A command of basic techniques and skills essential for independent, self-directed study in the field.
A Graduate Course Requires The identification and investigation of theory or principle. The application of theory to new ideas, problems, and materials. Extensive use of bibliographic and other resource materials with emphasis on primary sources of data. Demonstration of competence in the scholarly presentation of the results of independent study. More creative thinking than an upper division course.
Who are CSUEB Graduate Students? Over half are part-time students (FT defined as 8 quarter units) 43% identify as students of color 38% first generation college graduate Average age 33 62% female 17% international students
What is a Master’s Program? Comprised of the core, required and elective courses that lead to a degree Capstone experience – thesis, project or comprehensive exam Minimum of 30 semester units Minimum 50 percent of all of the units required for the master’s degree must be in stand-alone graduate level courses Guidelines for Master’s Programs Page 8, Semester Conversion Guide
The Master’s or Doctoral Student What does a graduate of our program look like? How will our graduating graduate student be different from the undergraduate? How will our graduate be able to think, behave, and contribute to our diverse society? What theories, concepts, systems and techniques will he/she be able to apply? What skills, attitudes, and beliefs should our graduate students practice? Adapted :
Sample Graduate Curriculum Map
Graduate and Post Graduate Forms Revision of Graduate Program Form (today’s focus) Curriculum Map #1 Curriculum Map #2 Five Year Assessment Plan departments/apgs/cpm/forms-for-conversion.html departments/apgs/cpm/forms-for-conversion.html Page A8, Semester Conversion Guide
Curriculog: Curriculum Management System Coming Winter 2016!
Request for Revision of Graduate Program Form Executive Summary of how transformation has occurred.
Information for Completing the Request for Revision of Graduate Degree Program See pg. 31 of the Semester Conversion Guide for Faculty. Prerequisites courses are not counted in the total unit count for the Master’s degree. Program core represents majority of required units. PLOs should be achieved by all students regardless of concentration selected. Subprogram of the degree program, in addition to Core Curriculum.
Information for Completing the Request for Revision of Graduate Degree Program See Graduate Degree Information chapter of the Online University Catalog. Online University Catalog. See Graduate Degree Information chapter of the Online University Catalog. Online University Catalog. Total number of units that count toward actual degree. (units from questions 10.II-V.) Resources needed to deliver the program once it’s been converted or transformed.
Information for Completing the Request for Revision of Graduate Degree Program ALL quarter-based courses will be discontinued. Include all semester-based program courses with New Course Requests.
Processing Curricular Changes
Graduate and Post-Bacc Curricular Changes Timeline Winter 2016 Winter 2017 Review and approval process for Graduate and Post-Bacc programs Fall 2017Fall 2016 Indicate significant program changes for updating to Campus Student Systems (CSU Mentor, Registrar, Advising, etc.) Publication of catalog. Campus advising … Prepare Graduate and Post-Bacc chapters of the catalog for Publication
Top Faculty Paperwork Questions (that we know about) 1. Which forms do I use? 2. Where did my forms go after I submitted them? 3. Why are some of the same questions asked on more than one form? 4. Why did APGS send this back (again)! 5. When/How do I know the forms have been successfully processed? 6. Why is the process seem to be so slow?
Drop-In Consulting Faculty Development Support Area LI 2800 Date(s)Time Thursday, October 82:00 – 4:00 PM Monday, October 129:00 – 11:00 AM Thursday, October 222:00 – 4:00 PM Monday, October 269:00 – 11:00 AM Thursday, October 299:00 – 11:00 AM Tuesday, November 310:00 AM – 12:00 PM Monday, November 92:00 – 4:00 PM Thursday, November 12 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Fall Semester Conversion Workshops DatesTitle Tuesday, October 6 Monday, October 19 Get InFORMed: Support for Completing Graduate and Post-Baccalaureate Program Forms Tuesday, October 13 Thursday, October 22 Get InFORMed: Support for Completing New Course Request Forms Wednesday, October 14 Tuesday, October 20 Graduate Program Nuts and Bolts Wednesday, October 21Developing Transformed Syllabi Thursday, November 12Tools for Semester Transformation Thursday, November 17Options for Program Assessment