November 1, 2000HEPiX/HEPNT FERMI SITE REPORT Lisa Giacchetti
November 1, 2000HEPiX/HEPNT General Computing News UNIX OS Support list modifications Decision to drop support for TRU64 Discussion underway to limit UNIX desktop support model to Linux Certifications for Solaris 8 and Linux 7 beginning Mass Storage Systems Enstore in limited production use Utilised on farms, fnalu, sdss, cms Serial Media working group decision: Exabyte Mammoth 2
November 1, 2000HEPiX/HEPNT General Computing News Evaluations/Investigations SAN technologies: SANergy, CXFS, GFS Layer 4 switching Alteon, Cisco, Foundry Possible uses: web, , afs, analysis farm PC/IDE Linux file servers (ala CERN) 2nd Linux vendor qualification starting 11/5
November 1, 2000HEPiX/HEPNT RUN II Computing News March 2001 start date still on CDF in commissioning run for past few weeks. Many computing folks have been spending significant time on RUNII operations discussions and MOU. Farms D0 has 50 new farm nodes in acceptance test CDF has 40 more on order Both CDF and D0 working on migrating to KRB5 Strengthened Realm (700+users, 175+ machines now in operation) This will include farms and offline computing facilities
November 1, 2000HEPiX/HEPNT CMS Computing News New Hardware 3 DELL CPU servers w/ Dell hardware raid 40 Atipa dual 750Mhz 2u units In acceptance test phase First purchase of systems from Atipa: integrated racked solution. From shipping dock to burnin test in 3 days. Also using the “FT farms” in standard Fermi farm config Support Limited hardware and too many things to do: fall production or R&D Several computing folks are helping with WBS for US-CMS Facility (Lehman review in November)
November 1, 2000HEPiX/HEPNT Core Service Computing News Migration to Solaris based mail gateway completed New list software implemented: or (web) AFS services stable despite problems with hardware raid (Nstor) Investigating new print server options Work on OS installation service for Linux, Irix continuing. Solaris is problematic for us.
November 1, 2000HEPiX/HEPNT Organizational News Lothar Bauerdick starts today has head of US-CMS Computing Level 1 Manager HEPNRC functions/staff cut back as result of DOE review OSS dept reorganization 10/5 Focus is customer/service based not technology based 3 groups: Core Services (Mark Kaletka), Technical and Office Computing (Tim Doody), and Scientific Computing (Lisa Giacchetti)