Page One By: Ethan, Martha, and Jenny
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe GoLive Macromedia Adobe LiveMotion Adobe Premiere Macromeida Freehand MX Macromedia Fireworks MX QuickTimeVR Macromedia Flash MX Students will learn and use Dreamweaver MX Gimp WSFTP POVray WordPad VRToolbox Ulead Buzz Saw
Students are going to learn how to: Create a website Use multiple computer platforms Create 2-D and 3-D graphics Test and optimize websites Create 2-D animations Develop multimedia products for clients Create multimedia video and audio Correctly use the Server and CDR/CDRW technology Follow the MVCSC Appropriate Use Policy
Supports preparation for the following certifications: Certificate of completion from the Cisco Networking Academy Program: Fundamentals of Web Design Adobe ACE WOW Certifications Macromedia Certified Professional
Students may work with the following clients: Indiana Institute of Technology Cisco Networking Academy Hancock Wellness Center MVCSC Purdue Cooperative Extension Hancock County Hancock County Master Gardeners
Now see page two for more info