By The Save Lucy Campaign
Slide show is intended for bat rehabilitators and bat enthusiasts. Please feel free to distribute, but be nice and credit the source. This is a work in progress. Species will be added as photos are procured. All photos belong to Rich Sturges and/or The Save Lucy Campaign, unless otherwise noted. In a very few instances, photo credit is unknown. If we have used a photo that belongs to you or your agency, please let us know who to credit. Thanks in advance!
The narrow element in the ear
Shape Length
Color of dorsal vs. ventral fur Color of wing, tail membrane Overall size
Copious? Long? Usually need magnification and very good light to see
Yes!! No!!
At top of toe At ankle Only important for a few species
Some species have notched claws This one does not
Look for bands of color or uniform throughout Colors will vary within species
Nonmigratory Uses buildings summer and winter Also uses caves and mines for hibernation Beetle eater 16—20+ grams; 14 inch wingspan 2 young per year born late May early June Lifespan 15—18 years
Often uses buildings or barns in summer Migrates to caves in winter—may move 200+ miles to reach appropriate hibernacula Forms large colonies May roost with other myotis species 7—9 grams; 9 inch wingspan One pup per year Lifespan 30+ years
Big Brown BatLittle Brown Bat
ENDANGERED Uses building roosts, but also associated with old trees with sloughing bark Is known to roost with Little Brown Bats Same size and very similar appearance to Little Brown Bat Nose is slightly shorter; face has a pinkish cast; keeled calcar; sparse, short toe hairs; small foot Migrates to caves for winter; recovered over 200 miles from banding sites Courtesy: John Chenger, Bat Conservation & Management, Inc. Courtesy: NY DEC Courtesy: John Chenger, Bat Conservation & Management, Inc.
Photo by Adam Mann, Environmental Solutions and Innovations Little Brown Bat Indiana Bat
Closely related to Indiana bats and Little Brown Bats; very similar in appearance Extremely long ears, extend 4mm past nose when pushed forward May roost with other myotis species or in small colonies of conspecifics Same size as Little Brown/ Indiana Bats Migrates to caves for winter
Smallest bat in region; 3—5g Distinctive black mask Foot is only 8mm; keeled calcar Forearm 30—36mm Associated with scree and talus slopes Largest known hibernacula for this species WERE in NY, now MD Rare across range 4—5 grams Dependant on puddles and road ruts for drinking water
Small bat; 6—12 grams Forearm 33—39mm Tragus short, curved, rounded Usually uniformly dark Range is mainly south of LBB’s but overlaps in mid-Atlantic But looks like a mini Big Brown Uses buildings in summer No one knows what they do in winter, but one was recovered from a moving box in winter. Possibly had been in attic.
Formerly Eastern pipistrelle Very small bat with reddish brown fur and red forearms 6—10g Forearm mm Banded fur; dark, light, dark Forms small maternity colonies in tree hollows and sometimes under decks and in open lofts Has twins; pups are under 1 g at birth Migrates to caves for winter Also killed at turbine sites
Very distinctive; black with silver tipping on dorsal fur Medium sized ; 8—12g Forearm 37—44mm Considered highly migratory; found dead at wind turbines Not usually associated with buildings, but have been recovered from open sheds and garages during winter Some use caves in winter Form small maternity colonies in tree hollows in northeast or in higher elevations in mid-Atlantic
Very distinctive; buffy, gray, & rust fur; black points; black rims on ears. Forearm 46—58mm Largest North American Bat; 20—38 grams Migratory; may move from Canada to Mexico Foliage bat; does not use buildings Highly impacted by wind turbines
Buffy, sandy, or red Medium sized bat; 9—15g Forearm 35-45mm Highly migratory; common wind turbine victims Foliage bat; does not use buildings Solitary; raises young in tree foliage Mates on the wing Often hit by cars Prone to window strikes Blue Jays prey on mothers with young
ENDANGERED Lumpy nose Ears more than 1” long 9—12 g Cave dependant year round Very sensitive to disturbance Virginia state bat! State ENDANGERED Very similar to VBEB Ears more than 1” long 8—14 g Highly associated with tree hollows in swamps, but uses other habitats in range