The Curriculum Development Process Dr. M The Curriculum Development Process Dr. M. Akhter Hossain, Dir (Training) 1. What is Curriculum? A curriculum is a systematic plan indicating specific activities and instructions for trainers and trainees. Its aim is to improve knowledge, develop skills and chance attitude of the target participants to perform better. A Curriculum generally includes: -Participants' needs -Objectives -Contents -Lesson plans
2. Steps of Curriculum Development: -Training methods -Training materials/aids -Reference materials -Evaluation tools 2. Steps of Curriculum Development: -Select target people of the curriculum. -Assess Organizational/Program needs -Select curriculum development personnel -Form a Technical Committee (specific people who will give inputs/comments on respective modules).
-Assess training needs/steps of needs assessment. -Formulate general objectives. -Develop curriculum outlines -Approval of curriculum outlines from the Technical Committee -Develop draft curriculum package including lesson plans. -Approval of draft curriculum package by the Technical Committee.
-Orient trainers for testrun -Conduct testrun -Modify as per testrun recommendations -Get approval from the Technical Committee -Get approval from the Ministry ( if it is a new curriculum) -Ensure continuous evaluation.
Curriculum Development Steps Selection of Target People for whom the curriculum will be developed Selection of curriculum Development Personnel Formation of Technical Committee Training Needs Assessment and their steps Formulation of Training Objectives Development of Curriculum Outline Getting Approval from the Technical Committee Development of Draft Curriculum Package Conducting Pre-test for selected lesson plan & material
Modification as per Pre-test Getting Approval for 2nd draft from T.C. Orientation of Trainers Responsible for Test run Conduction of Test-run Modification as per Test run Getting Approval from Technical Committee Implementation of Curriculum Approval from MOHFW, if it is a new curriculum. Provision for continuous Evaluation
Lesson Plan A properly developed lesson plan guides a trainer for effective session conduction. Each session must have a lesson plan. Steps of a Lesson Plan: * Name of module * Lesson Number * Topic (s) * Learning objectives
Contents: should focus the main areas of. the topic * Contents: should focus the main areas of the topic. The learning objectives should be reflected in the contents * Time: should be at per with objective, method & materials used * Methods: the Participatory method which is appropriate to the objectives should be reflected in the lesson plan * Materials: Suitable for trainees background & job as well as objective of the session
Aides/stationery: According to the present * Aides/stationery: According to the present availability or situation of the institute and in relation to learning objectives of the session; * Process- -Introduction > Rapport building > Session title presentation > Objective presentation > Baseline Survey/testing of participants knowledge level on the topic.
-. Topic presentation through use of - Topic presentation through use of method & material stated in the lesson plan and trainers guide * Session Summary * Session Evaluation: should reflect the objectives of the session.
Training Needs Assessment (TNA) Training needs assessment is the basis for curriculum development. The curriculum is the main tool of training course conduction and the contents of the curriculum reflect the points for upgrading or strengthening the trainees, depending on their specific need for successful job performance.
Importance of TNA - To select training contents as per trainees' need; - To make the training relevant to the organizational policy & principles; - To ensure training as a reliable input to achieve organizational goals; - To enrich training contents and process with experts' opinions;
Importance of TNA - To legalize the training curriculum; - To formulate solutions to the real problems of the target people as a result of the training course.
APPROACHES OF TNA (1) Program analysis = Why a curriculum is required and for which worker (2) Job analysis = What jobs the worker carryout and how well or poorly?
APPROACHES OF TNA (3) Trainee analysis = Background of the workers to be trained through this curriculum (4) Problem analysis= What are the present problems that need to be addressed through training.
Methods and Tools of TNA (1) Survey (1) Questionnaire (2) Field observation; (2) Guidelines (3) Focus group discussion (3) Guidelines (4) Interview (4) Questionnaire (5) Literature review (5) Format (6) Task analysis (6) Format and job description of target group.
Needs Assessment Questionnaire (Sample Survey) (To be asked to potential Trainees) Name:.......................... Position : ....................... Service Centre: ........... Length of Service: ........ 1. What are the important jobs you do. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Needs Assessment Questionnaire (Sample Survey) To be asked to (proposed) Trainees 2. Do you have any problems in doing your daily job effectively and efficiently? If yes, please specify the problems. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
3. What types of training did you receive ? Needs Assessment Questionnaire (Sample Survey) To be asked to (proposed) Trainees 3. What types of training did you receive ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
4. Mention your personal weaknesses in relation to your profession. Needs Assessment Questionnaire (Sample Survey) To be asked to (proposed) Trainees 4. Mention your personal weaknesses in relation to your profession. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
5. What do you expect to learn from training ? Needs Assessment Questionnaire (Sample Survey) To be asked to (proposed) Trainees 5. What do you expect to learn from training ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Program Manager/Planner/Policy Makers, Supervisor Name of manager/Supervisor: Designation : Organization: 1. What are the weaknesses of the staff which hamper quality performance in their job situation.
Program Manager/Planner/Policy Makers, Supervisor 2. What are the strengths they have ?
Program Manager/Planner/Policy Makers, Supervisor 3. What input do they need through training (please specify subject, and content as far as possible) ?
Job Performance Observation Guidelines 1. Collect criteria of standard performance if any. 2. Collect checklists of the activities of your target group that you have planned to observe. 3. Visit the work station of your target group and give keen observation to their work and note down the strengths/weaknesses gaps/problems of the worker what you notice. 4. Don't tell them that you are observing to discover their weaknesses. 5. Observe as much as you can. 6. Use checklists as much as possible.
Training Topics /Contents Task Analysis Format Main & Sub- Tasks Required Knowledge Required Skills Required Attitudes Training Topics /Contents
AN EXAMPLE OF TASK ANALYSIS Tasks Required Knowledge Required Skills Required Attitudes To educate people about the benefits of different FP methods All FP methods Mode of use of all FP methods Benefits, advantages, disadvantages of all FP methods Principles of face-to-face communication Qualities of good communicators. Group & individual discussion Group discussion Conduct meeting /informal discussion with the mothers (and men) Use of flip chart, flash card, posters & other educational materials Build Rapport Active Listening Counseling Show interest in talking/ listening to people Have patience when answering audience's questions Show interest in working with other health workers Pay respect to local practices & beliefs Helping attitude to the needy.
AN EXAMPLE OF TASK ANALYSIS Tasks Required Knowledge Required Skills Required Attitudes Interviewing Communication Analyze target group & set priorities Coordinate with other health workers Answer questions.