Only differentiated if designed with learning differences in mind Presents activities clearly focused on learning goals or academic standards Presents activities involving a process or product that all students have previously experienced Presents activities reflecting multiple learning preferences Organizes tasks in ways that control choices to benefit students Represents a variety of tasks purposefully differentiated by learning preference, readiness, and challenge and/or complexity (one board for all students) › OR Represents tasks specifically differentiated and prescribed to respond to the needs of a particular group of learners (several board, each assigned to a group based on learning needs)
Tic-Tac-Toe Boards
Solve three problems using both analytical and graphing methods (B) Create a new way of demonstrating your understanding of the concepts and ideas in the chapter (A) Define the chapter’s vocabulary words using sketches or diagrams (B) Solve two of the challenge problems in your textbook (A) Take the end-of-chapter test (ALL) Complete the fourth problem in each section of the chapter review (A) Create three word problems using the concepts in the chapter (A) Solve one even-numbered application problem from each section of the chapter (B) Describe four ways that the concepts or ideas in this chapter are used in the real world (A) KEY: A= advanced or complex activities written at the analysis, evaluation, or synthesis levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy; B= basic activities at the application level; ALL= all students must complete activity
Who are the main characters in this myth? (K/C) What are the problem and the solution presented in the myth (AP) What are the positive and negative characteristics of one of the characters? (AN) How would the myth be different if it took place today? (AN/EV) What life lesson can you learn from this myth? (ALL) What elements of mythology are used in this story? Give specific examples. (AP) Who do you think is the most important character? Why? (AN/EV) How are two of the characters alike and different? (AN) What might be a new way to solve the problem in the myth? (AN/EV/SY) Bloom’s Taxonomy Key: K= Knowledge, C= comprehension, AP= application, AN= analysis, EV= evaluation, SY= synthesis
Draw and label a diagram of the solar system LM, VS (B) Use words and pictures to create a topic web of facts about the sun, moon, and planets LM, VS (B) Create a Venn diagram to compare two planets, or the sun and the moon LM (A) Create an illustrated timeline showing the phases of the moon LM, VS (B) Illustrate a new constellation and write an original myth that explains its origin VL, VS (A) Create a guide to the stars, including important constellations and their mythical stories VL (B) Create an illustrated flipbook that includes riddles about a particular planet or object in space, and a final page with the mystery planet or object revealed VS, VL (A) Create a picture dictionary for your solar system vocabulary words VS, VL (B) Plan a demonstration to show the characteristics of the seasons and day and night, explaining how and when they happen BK, N (B) Multiple Intelligences Key: LM= logical/ mathematical, VS= visual/ spatial, VL= verbal/linguistic, BK= bodily/ kinesthetic, N= naturalist, M= Musical
Sports1. Make a memory game of vocabulary words related to sports 2. Use sports vocabulary words to create a sports news article or news broadcast Clothing1. Script and role-play a scenario with a teenager and his or her mom disagreeing in a store about a clothing purchase 2. Write a dress code for our school outlining what is and is not acceptable
ShowNewspaper articleVideo news interview Role Play TellCharts and graphsTimeline or chronicle of incidents related to the event Illustrations, photographs, graphics, or artifacts