THANK YOU! You are ordinary human beings, yet you are extraordinary because you have sacrificed some of your life’s ambitions, so others would not have to sacrifice theirs. The military family, you’re heroes too!
Post Deployment Health Insurance TAMP (First 180 days) TRICARE (Reserve Select)
TAMP Transition Assistance Management Program “Transitional TRICARE coverage” TAMP covers the service member and eligible family members for 180 days immediately following release from qualifying active duty.
TAMP Rules
COVERAGE TIMELINE Last Day of Active Duty TRS Begins Day 181 Active Duty TAMP Period TRS TRANSITIONING FROM TAMP Day 1 Day 180 Mail payment by day 120
PREMIUMS $49.62 per month TRS Member-only coverage $ per month TRS member & family coverage Enrollment is accomplished online at: Monthly premiums are required for TRS coverage and are adjusted Jan 1 st of each year. Note: Failure to pay monthly premiums on time will result in disenrollment. Disenrollment for non-payment results in a 12-month lock-out period.
COSTS & FEES The federal fiscal year is October 1 – September 30. ANNUAL DEDUCTIBLES E-4 and below E-5 and above Individual Family Per fiscal year * $50.00 $ $ $300.00
COST-SHARES A cost-share - is the percentage of the TRICARE allowable amount for which you are responsible. After the annual deductible has been met, you pay 15% for care received from a TRICARE network provider 20% for care received from any non-network provider
CATASTROPHIC CAP Your catastrophic cap limits your annual out-of-pocket expenses on cost-shares and annual deductibles. It is your maximum out-of-pocket expense for each fiscal year. The catastrohpic cap for TRICARE Reserve Select is $1, for you and your family. (Monthly premium payments do not apply toward the catastrophic cap.)
INFORMATION & ASSISTANCE Enrollment and Customer Service Health Net Federal Services, Inc