Wikispaces as a Learning Tool By Linda C. Selvidge August 17, 2009
What is a Wikispace Wiki is an on line free website database is easy to create, enter text, edit and simple for anyone to use. When a Wiki is created this space is a Wikispace To create an Educational Wikispace log on: Wiki Space pages can be connected to schools, classes, Educators, blogs, facebook.
Wikispaces as a Learning Tool Wikispaces can be used as a learning environment. Educators develop their Wikispace with information on assignments, projects, collaboration, schedules. Students have the opportunity to share, research, and post their comments and assignments.
Classroom at Wikispaces The popularity of Wikispaces with educators, professors are continually updating and sharing making Wikispaces an excellent learning. Click on the website below for an actual 2 nd Grade Wiki classroom (protected wikispace) – Your request to join mrsibrahim has been sent to the wiki organizers to view classroom information Information below are screen shoots from the web site Welcome to our 2nd Grade Wiki!! The World is Our Classroom Who are we? We are a group of second graders in Southern California who are using technology to help us share what we are learning with the world! We are so excited that people are really reading our writing! We hope you enjoy reading our wiki! Please leave us comments above in the discussion tab. Check out our Individual pages: Ally, Alexis, Arturo, Carlos, Chloe, Diego, Emiliano, Haley, Jacob G., JacobT., Joshua, Justin, Lisa, Messiah, Min, Morgan, Mya, Nader, Robert, Vanessa AllyAlexisArturoCarlosChloeDiegoEmilianoHaleyJacob GJacobTJoshuaJustinLisaMessiahMinMorganMyaNaderRobertVanessa
Creating a Wikispace Create a free wiki space now. It's fast, easy, and complete free. You can create a wiki page for anything (well, anything that isn't pornographic, hateful, illegal, etc).etc You control who can view the page and who can edit it. The Encyclopedia of You Wiki Space pages can be connected to personal profiles and family & friend pages on WikiTree. This enables you to create pages for special pets, family heirlooms, clubs or organizations, classes or schools, events or vacations, neighborhoods or homes, or any other place or thing that's significant to you. All pages have sections for basic data (name, dates, location), a wiki description, memories or personal statements, photos, and a bulletin board for discussing how to grow the page with other people you trust to view and edit For example, I created a page about WikiAnswers, the last website I created; about my great- grandfather's model ships; the corner store family business; and my high school.WikiAnswersmodel shipscorner storehigh school Click here for many more Wiki Space examples or here for the full index.many more Wiki Space examplesfull index Creating Wiki Space Pages Simply login and then use this one-step form.loginone-step form
Overview on Wikispace page you learn as you create Content Pages Files Templates Tags Content Manager People PagesFilesTemplatesTagsContent Manager Members Permissions Invite People User Creator Settings MembersPermissionsInvite PeopleUser Creator Domain Name Wiki Info Delete Wiki Tools Domain NameWiki InfoDelete Wiki Notifications Wiki Statistics Space Usage Badges Web Folders (WebDAV) Import Blog Post Exports NotificationsWiki StatisticsSpace Usage BadgesWeb Folders (WebDAV)Import Blog PostExports
Educational Wikispaces Once you have created your Wikispace you can ask for educational wikispace
Wikispaces Webinars 19 August 2009, 10am PDT - Private Label Webinar 15 September 2009, 4pm PDT - Education Webinar Education webinars focus on how wikis are being used in classrooms and schools around the world. Explain how you the basics of creating your educational wiki. Hear from an educator who is actively using wikis in his or her classroom, and answer your questions.
References Webinars (n.d.) retrieved on August 9, 2009 from Mrsibrahim.wikispace (n.d) retrieved on August 9, 2009 from 9a848c9098edf0 9a848c9098edf0 Wikispace (n.d) retrieved on August 9, 2009 from Videos#Volcanoes2 Videos#Volcanoes2