Coffee Table Idea By: Edgar Campos
Design Modular Coffee Shop Table Design Brief Client: Mr. Smith’s Coffee Shop Target Consumer: University students 17-30 years old Designer: Problem Statement: The current lounge chair and living room-style seating areas in Mr. Smith’s Coffee Shop are too large, and cannot accommodate the growing number of patrons. Design Statement: Design and model a modular table that will allow a greater number of patrons to be serviced at Mr. Smith’s Coffee Shop. Constraints: 1. 2 adults minimum seating per table. 2. Modular table design must interlock for stability. 3. Maximum $200 cost per table. 4. 50 lb maximum weight limit per table. 5. Table-top surface must withstand commercial cleaning products. 6. At least 50% of the materials must come from recycled sources. 7. Initial design concept is due in 1 week.
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Teams Timeline 1. Engineering Notebook daily entries Day 1 entry dates: 4/15, 4/21, 4/25, 4/27, 4/29, 5/3, 5/5, 5/9 Day 2 entry dates: 4/18, 4/19, 4/20, 4/26, 4/28, 5/2, 5/4, 5/6 2. Team Norms (Day 1 - 4/15, Day 2 - 4/18) 3. Timeline (Day 1 – 4/21, Day 2 4/19) 4. Design Brief (Day 1 – 4/21, Day 2 – 4/19) 5. Team member evaluations Day 1 evaluation dates: 4/27 and 5/9 Day 2 evaluation dates: 4/26 and 5/6 6. Self evaluations Day 1 evaluation dates: 4/27 and 5/9 Day 2 evaluation dates: 4/26 and 5/6 7. Dimensioned, detailed sketches in engineering notebook of design and each individual part of the design (Day 1 – 4/25, Day 2 – 4/20) 8. IDW creations of each individual part (Day 1 – 5/3, Day 2 – 5/2) 9. IDW of exploded view (Day 1 – 5/3, Day 2 – 5/2) PowerPoint presentation (Day 1 – 5/9, Day 2 – 5/6)
Table design
Table on inventor