All In To put all the rest of your money into the pot.
Bet To wager
Four Of a Kind Four of the same ranked cards, for example 4 Aces
Straight Flush A hand with 5 cards in sequence all of the same suit.
Pocket Pair Two cards of the same rank you hold.
Pot Money that is in the current hand that the players are playing for.
Re-raise To raise a raise.
Suited Off suit Cards with same suit. Cards with different suits.
pocket cards personal cards The card in the players hand
Flop The first three community cards, put out face up.
Family Pot A hand in which all the players call before the flop.
Bluff To act like a hand is better than it really is.
Big Blind The larger of the two blinds, the blind that is put in by the player 2 seats left of the dealer, except when 2 players are left, then the dealer is the small blind.
Check When no one has bet in front of you and you do not bet.
Free Card The turn or river card in which you don't have to call a bet.
Kicker After matched hands, the top high card. For example if both players have a set of Jacks, the player with the next highest card has the top kicker.
An open ended straight a hand where either end can hit and you will complete your straight.
draws A drawing hand is a that still needs cards to improve to the winner.
nuts the best possible hand for this particular hand!
Check-raise the act of checking a hand, in hopes of luring your opponent to bet, so that you may then raise over him and build a bigger pot to win.