Marketing Journal 10/26/13 Continue on last week’s set of journals. Who? What? Where? Why? How? Check out the teacher webpage
SEM2 Journal 10/26/15 Continue on last week’s journals. What is a grant? What is a foundation? Feel free to use the internet to research these terms. What do you think the role of foundations and grants play in the sports and entertainment industries? Check out my teacher webpage calendar.
IBCC2 Journal 10/26/15 Start a new set of journals. What 2 things did you learn from the Chart Your Course LAP? Check out the teacher webpage for this week!
Marketing Journal 10/27/15 Please respond to the following on your journals from last week: Tell me about something YOU purchased or received as a gift that you value. What type of research did YOU and your parents do before purchasing the product? What are the features and benefits of the product?
SEM2 Journal 10/27/15 What did you like about the Group Sponsorship Project? What grade do you think you and your team deserve on the project? Why? What are some things I can do to improve this Unit Project for next year?
IBCC2 Journal 10/27/15 Name 3 things that you are grateful for? Why is being grateful important for people?
Reflective Journal Entry What is the definition of grateful? Why is being grateful important? Please explain 2 examples of grateful. Start these this week - Grateful journals in ATL at the end of each week. You will reflect and put in your reflective journals. YOU DECIDE HOW YOU WANT TO CAPTURE YOUR THOUGHTS EACH WEEK. (Relate how this is related to mindfulness and stress).
Marketing Journal 10/28/15 What types of marketing related activities have you noticed as a result of you taking Marketing class? Or FREE WRITE KEEP YOUR JOURNALS OPEN!
Marketing Video In a few minutes we are going to watch a video so please open up your journals. Selling is a process video – YOU are to write down 3 important things from the video in their journals. Be prepared to share your “findings” with the class.
SEM2 Part 1 - Journal 10/28/15 You are the Marketing Director for the NC Seafood Festival – go to their website and list at least 5 of the sponsors. How would you write a thank you letter to one of the sponsors? What would you include in the letter? Be prepared to discuss your journal with your classmates. Keep your journals open today because there is a Part II.
SEM2 Part 2 – Journal 10/28/15 Students are to read the article posted on my webpage and answer the following in their journals: Explain the importance of servicing sponsors. Identify techniques that can be used to service sponsors. Discuss considerations in selecting ways to service sponsors.
IBCC2 Journal 10/28/15 What is a screencast? Name 2 ways that screencasts can be used effectively?
Marketing Journal 10/29/15 If you could live anywhere in the world – where would it be? Why? Describe your life.
SEM2 Journal 10/29/15 Why do sports and entertainment stars have fans? Why is this fan support important? What is the craziest thing you or someone you know has done as a fan of someone?
IBCC2 Journal 10/29/15 I see.. I think… I wonder?
IBCC2 Reflective Journals Don’t forget to make an entry in your Reflective Journals on what you are grateful for this week. TURN IN your Reflective Journals BEFORE the end of class today. Make sure each entry is labeled (Title and Date). These will be worth 100 points.
Marketing Journal 10/30/15 Think of all the brands you have seen and tell me which brand best describes YOU. WHY? Select another person in class and tell me what brand best describes them and why. PRINT and TURN IN your journals for the last 2 weeks. (10 of them).
SEM2 Journal 10/30/15 What type of community outreach or service projects have YOU participated in? Why are these activities important for YOU and the community? PRINT and TURN IN your journals for the last 2 weeks. (10 of them). Please get out your Fan Association Activity – we will go over soon. Please turn in your Play to the Fans LAP – it is due today.
IBCC2 Journal 10/30/15 This week’s IB Learner trait was Inquirers. Tell me 2 ways that you are an Inquirer in IBCC2. Tell me one way you are an inquirer in life. Please SAVE your journals for the week.
IBCC2 Writing Assignment YOU are to write a paragraph discussing what went well on the ITGS textbook review project for them and for their classmates. YOU need to self- reflect on what they could have done to improve their OWN project. Students are to suggest improvements for this project for future ITGS students. DUE TODAY – 50 points.