Smart Fishing: Impact of open access on African fisheries information Jean Collins (retired) & Janet Webster (Oregon State University) 2011 IAMSLIC, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Code of Conduct Voluntary policy framework adopted in 1995 Promote sustainable and responsible fisheries & aquaculture worldwide Constraints to implementation Level of scientific research Amount of information Institutional capacity Access to information
Information for the Code 2005 FAO Fisheries Technical Circular 1006 Fisheries Information in Developing Countries 2009 Technical Guideline 12 Information and Knowledge Sharing
Constraints Lack of awareness of & access to global information resources Poor opportunities to publish & disseminate research results Inadequate ICT infrastructure & information skills Lack of access to & preservation of local information CraftyGoat'
Constraint 1: Lack of awareness of & access to global information resources
Impact of Expanded Access?
Afriamslic survey 9 replies out of 32: Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda Enthusiastic users of AGORA!
IAMSLIC Distributed Library Borrowing LibrariesLending Libraries Botswana7 Kenya160Kenya9 Namibia5 Nigeria6 South Africa12South Africa32 Tanzania7 Tunisia13 AFRIAMSLIC activity is increasing, but there’s room for much more growth.
Constraint 2: Poor opportunities to publish & disseminate the results of research
What is open access? Digital Online Free of charge Free of most copyright & licensing restrictions.
Searching for African research Wide variety of journals Few fisheries specific journals Over 40 different OA journals Time lag in African fisheries journals
Journals aggregators African Journals Online Directory of Open Access Journals BioOne
DOAJ Search and Results (TI=fish OR TI=fisheries) and PY=2010 and SU=Africa = 33
AJOL Search: (TI=fish or fisheries) and PY=2010 = 48
More good tools GoogleScholar as a search engine OA repositories as ‘homes’ for publications Aquatic Commons OceanDocs RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) PubMed Central Avano as an OA harvester
Google Scholar Search and Results: ((fish OR fisheries) AND (uganda OR tanzania OR kenya OR nigeria OR botswana OR senegal)) and PY=2010 = 13,000 (sampled 130)
African Fisheries Journals
What now? Should AGORA include African fisheries journals? African Journal of Aquatic Sciences African Journal of Marine Sciences Should DOAJ include African OA journals? Why are African fisheries researchers publishing in non fisheries journals? Is an OA African fisheries journal feasible and would it be a solution? Can librarians help researchers select the best place to publish?
Thanks! Now let’s hear from you. Jean Collins Webster, Janet Si1very