1 Fostering Knowledge and Innovation for Development in a Globalized World: Regional Perspectives PROMOTING AN ENABLING ENVIRONMENT TO FOSTER KNOWLEDGE AND INNOVATION FOR DEVELOPMENT Mervat Tellawy Executive Secretary UNESCWA
2 The ESCWA Region: A strategic position between Europe, Africa and Asia Bordering major sea lanes Considerable resources of energy Reservoir of a young population: 38% < 15 yr (about 73.5 million)
3 The ESCWA Region: A major crossroads and a melting pot of ideas Rich in history and culture: Ibn Hayan (chemistry), Al-Khawarizmi (algebra/algorithm), Ibn-Sina (medicine)
4 In 2003: the number of institutes of higher learning in the Arab countries: Universities (112) Colleges (113) R&D institutes (131) Source: The world of learning Europa publ. Regional Facts: Institutes of Higher Learning
Arab graduates
6 Selected ICT indicators Fixed telephone lines in operation per 100 Cellular mobile subscribers per 100 Personal computers per 100 Internet users per Bahrain Egypt Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon Oman Palestine Qatar Saudi Arabia Syria United Arab Emirates Yemen ESCWA Average
ESCWA Annual review of developments in globalization and regional integration in the countries of the ESCWA region Foreign Direct Investment Growth rate % ESCWA countries Arab countries World Developing countries
8 Regional Volatility The ESCWA region continues to suffer from conflicts and instability LAGGING BEHIND IN TERMS OF DEVELOPMENT, ACQUISITION AND DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE
9 Why……..? Unable to tap into the knowledge credited with the generation of economic growth The engine of STI has been insufficient Social, political and economic environment wanting
10 Thrust of an Effective Enabling Environment Promote STI Encourage investment Invest in youth Foster the entrepreneurial spirit Nurture partnerships
11 ESCWA’s response: regionally As a follow-up to Phases 1 & 2 of WSIS: Development of a Regional Plan of Action for Building the Information Society (RPoA) in Western Asia In recognition of the role of science and technology in accelerating development Establishing ESCWA Technology Centre which aims to: Promote better STI policies Disseminate knowledge and raise awareness on STI Invest in capacity building Encourage partnerships and entrepreneurship
12 ESCWA’s response :sub-regionally Smart Community Project Targets grass-roots Provides community access to technology Promotes networking and knowledge sharing Encourages enterprise support schemes
13 Thank you