Course Syllabus 6th Grade Social Studies covers several areas of history mandated by the NJ State Department of Education in its Core Curriculum Content Standards. From September through June, we will complete the American History requirements outlined in the NJCCCS including an examination of the beginnings of our country. We will begin with the first Americans, go through the Revolutionary War, and end with the War of Throughout the year, we will create constant and meaningful connections to the 21st Century to accurately show our students the relevancy of the eras we will be studying.
First Americans Exploring the Americas Colonial America Life in the American Colonies The Spirit of Independence The American Revolution A More Perfect Union The Constitution The Federalist Era The Jefferson Era Curricular Sequencing American History
Materials Needed Daily Interactive Notebook--- a composition which houses all of your S.S. notes and assignments (5 needed for the year) Pencil pouch - pens, pencils Agenda book- keep track of test dates, long-term assignments, and homework
Classroom Systems Agenda Board —tells what the “Do Now” is for that day, the objective is for the lesson, and the activity that will be done Absentee Files– System where handouts are available, if necessary for the day’s lesson. This is where you go to get what you missed. Class notes and resource materials can be found online. If you are absent, you should look for these online to keep up with what is going on in class. Chrome Books- used to access the online textbook series. Students will be assigned a chrome book to be used IN CLASS. Students will be RESPONSIBLE for the CARE of the chrome book assigned to them. More information to come.
Classroom Systems Bathroom Signout– you must sign-out and sign-in at the door Fire Drill, Code Blue, Code Red—we will follow the exit plans on located on the walls. These are very serious drills and it is important that we follow these procedures for your safety
Daily Procedures Do Now—can vary from day to day, but is usually writing down any homework, setting up your notebook, copying the table of contents Lesson Activity—Left-side activity where you will process the information presented and/or show your understanding Sharing—Sharing of thoughts and understandings with the class or a partner
Grading Grades reflect the demonstration of knowledge and the understanding of concepts. Tests 30% Quizzes/Concept Checks 25% Graded Work 15% Notebook 20% Homework 10%
Tests All tests are based on the text and information located in your interactive notebook There are usually 2 or more tests per marking period Tests are announced at least 2 weeks in advance Tests are designed to show application of knowledge. Examples are essays, open ended questions, primary source analysis, map analysis, etc.
Studytools Studytools are active methods of studying (such as- flashcards, sequence cards, outlining, bulleted list, practice tests, etc) A detailed list of studytools will be provided for you to choose from Studytools will be checked and graded as homework and are due on the day of quizzes Your homework on a nightly basis is to create a studytool for the information that was presented in class that day CAUTION! DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE NIGHT BEFORE THEY ARE DUE --- MAKING THE STUDYTOOL IS ONLY STEP 1, YOU MUST USE THEM NIGHTLY TO EFFECTIVELY STUDY
Stations/Graded Work Stations are assigned after the lesson has been taught Stations are designed to extend and enforce your knowledge of a topic and are creative in nature Stations are done both as group work and independently Stations are due the day of the quiz Stations should show your understanding of the objective(s) Graded work consists of other various assignments/activities in addition to Achieve throughout the year
The Interactive Notebook Is your lifeline for this class All teacher provided notes will be taped or glued into the right side page Any summary notes taken at the end of the lesson will go on the right side pages Demonstration of your understanding of the concept is done on the left side page using one of the left side strategies A list of these strategies will be taped into your notebook The Interactive Notebook will be “spot-checked” weekly on the day of the quiz in addition to periodic checks throughout the marking period.
Homework Reading will be assigned weekly - generally providing students with multiple days for completion Reading is “active” in nature and will require you to reflect, write, summarize, answer questions, etc. Reading homework will be scored on a scale of 1-10 based on completion and thoughtfulness of responses Every night you should be reviewing the lesson from that day and making a studytool for that information Every night you should be reviewing the studyguide and looking through and testing yourself with the studytools you made from the beginning of the lesson