Key-findings of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) Dr. Angela Andrei Institute of Education Sciences, Bucharest Euroguidance and ELGPN Romania Conference “Theory and Practice in Counselling” Bucharest, Romania, 20 November 2015
Vision about the development of career guidance in the coming years… “I think the vision must be lifelong guidance, ranging from early learning in primary school to supporting older workers in active ageing and managing their transition out of the labour market. I also believe in the strengths of all-age services and in the transformational potential of ICT.” ( Professor Tony Watts)
European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network ( ) MAIN AIM: To assist the European Union (EU) Member States (and the neighboring countries eligible for the EU Erasmus+ Programme) and the European Commission in developing European co-operation on lifelong guidance in both the education and the employment sectors. Its purpose: To promote co-operation at Member State level in implementing the priorities identified in the EU Resolutions on Lifelong Guidance (2004; 2008).
European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network 30 member countries (AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LV, LT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SK, SI) and Switzerland as an observer. Closer links with the relevant units of DG EAC and DG EMPL, Cedefop, ETF, Euroguidance and the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES), as well as with the reformed EURES.
European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network ( ) ELGPN outputs: ELGPN Tools ELGPN Concept Notes ELGPN Policy Briefings ELGPN website: ELGPN LinkedIn group, Newsletter and mailing list.
ELGPN Tools providing policy-makers, researchers and practitioners with expert knowledge and inspiration; reviewing existing national and regional lifelong guidance provision with a view to their improvement; identifying policy issues requiring attention and gaps that need to be addressed at EU, national and regional levels.
ELGPN Tools No. 1: A European Resource Kit was developed during the ELGPN Work Programme 2011–12 to help policy-makers and other stakeholders to review existing lifelong guidance provision within their country or region, and to identify issues requiring attention and gaps that need to be filled, drawing from practices in other European countries. explains the key features of a lifelong guidance policy system. Its specific focus was the four priorities for action identified in the Council Resolution (2008): I.Career Management Skills (CMS) II.Access, III.Cooperation and coordination, IV.Quality assurance and evidence.
Bridges between the key themes and the sectoral policy areas Career Management Skills Access Co-operation and Co- ordination Quality Assurance and Evidence-base Sectoral policy areas: Education VET Higher Education Adult Education Employment Social Inclusion
Career Management Skills “Career Management Skills refer to a whole range of competences which provide structured ways for individuals and groups to gather, analyse, synthesise and organise self, educational and occupational information, as well as the skills to make and implement decisions and transitions.” Work Package 1: Career Management Skills, Vilnius, 2009, Reflection Note, Ronald G. Sultana
ELGPN Tools No. 2: LLG Glossary provide a common set of definitions for lifelong guidance (LLG) policy development and related guidance terminology. The main body of this Glossary contains 75 key terms used in the Resource Kit, presented in alphabetical order in English. Each entry contains: the term in English a definition of the term in English additional comment on how the term is used in lifelong guidance and to explain the definition reference to the source of the definition (where no source is listed, this means that no existing definition has been found and a definition has been written especially for this Glossary.
LLG Glossary: Example C Career Career adviser Career centre Career choice Career counselling Career counsellor Career decision-making Career development Career education Career guidance Career information systems Career management Career management skills Case management Coaching Common quality-assurance framework Co-operation mechanisms Co-ordination mechanisms Cost-benefit analysis Counselling Career Career adviser Career centre Career choice Career counselling Career counsellor Career decision-making Career development Career education Career guidance Career information systems Career management Career management skills Case management Coaching Common quality-assurance framework Co-operation mechanisms Co-ordination mechanisms Cost-benefit analysis Counselling
ELGPN Tools No. 3: The evidence base on lifelong guidance: a guide to key findings for effective policy and practice includes the Quality Assurance and Evidence (QAE) Framework which provides an approach for policy-makers to address quality assurance and evidence-based policy and system development. is aimed primarily at policy-makers in Europe, so European examples are used where possible. But it has been prepared in collaboration with the International Centre for Career Development and Public Policy, enabling it to include relevant studies conducted in Australia, Canada, the USA and other non-European countries. the main messages are summarised and illustrated with key examples drawn from the literature.
The Concept Notes (1) ELGPN Concept Note No. 1 - Flexicurity: Implications for Lifelong Career Guidance ELGPN Concept Note No. 2 - Youth Unemployment: A Crisis in Our Midst - The Role of Lifelong Guidance Policies in Addressing Labour Market Supply and Demand ELGPN Concept Note No. 3 - Career Management Skills: Factors in Implementing Policy Successfully ELGPN Concept Note No. 4 - The Youth Guarantee and Lifelong Guidance
The Concept Notes (2) ELGPN Concept Note No. 5 - Work-based Learning and Lifelong Guidance Policies ELGPN Concept Note No. 6 - Early School Leaving and Lifelong Guidance ELGPN Concept Note No. 7 - Career Guidance in Initial and Continuous Teacher Training NVL/ELGPN Concept Note: A Nordic Perspective on Career Competences and Guidance ELGPN Research Paper No. 1 - An Analysis of the Career Development Items in PISA 2012 and of their Relationship to the Characteristics of Countries, Schools, Students and Families
Added value of the ELGPN the ELGPN influence and success factors for impact on national policies in related policy fields which have an interface with lifelong guidance (e.g. lifelong learning, employment, social inclusion). the communication and co-operation processes between different ministries and other policy-making organisations, and between guidance service providers responsible for implementation of guidance policies. influences on the establishment of new lifelong guidance practices or on changes of existing practices at service level.
Proposal to establish a Commission- led Working Group on Lifelong Guidance in 2016 The ELGPN Member Countries were invited in October 2015 to provide information on the provision of career guidance (number of practitioners and beneficiaries)in their country to feed the preparation of the Commission internal working paper on a potential Commission-led working group on lifelong guidance.
Reflection questions How do you think you can use the ELGPN findings (e.g. Tools, concept notes, policy briefings, website, LinkedIn group, Newsletter and mailing list) in your professional activity? Which added-value brings this network to your activity?
The importance of career guidance and the role of counsellor “Career guidance is always mediating between individual dreams and the realities of the labour markets. At times of recession, the realities become more limiting. But it is still important to help individuals to clarify their aspirations and to find realistic ways to achieve them.” (Professor Tony Watts)
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