Why is Driving a privilege not a right?
Driving a car is like ___________ because….
Speed limit (article) Should we have speed limits over 55 mph?
Why do we need traffic laws? What would our roads look like without them?
Seatbelts (article) Argue to use or not use seatbelts.
You were up late the night before. You’re on your way to work, but you are nodding off. What should you do?
Your underage friend calls you at 11 p.m. S/he has been drinking, but doesn’t want his/her parents to find out. You are on the second (6) six months of your permit. What do you do?
24 year term (article) Was the sentence the man received fair, unjust, or you thought he deserved more time?
Would you consider being an organ donor? Why or Why not?
You are following a friend to a party. You have no idea how to get there. Your friend is driving too fast and at times, a little crazy. What do you do?
If you could change or implement a traffic law, what would it be and why?
You are driving on the road, when out of the corner of your eye, you see your friend. He’s driving next to you trying to get your attention. What do you do?
You’re driving on a secluded road at night. Someone is tailgating you, flashing his lights, and beeping at you. What do you do?
A police officer pulls you over. What are some things you should NOT do?
You are at a party, and you see your designated driver is drinking. What do you do?