How do prolonged wakefulness and alcohol compare in the decrements they produce on a simulated driving task? Professor: Liu Student: Ruby
一、 Purpose The scholars want to know performance in the driving simulator to impairments produced by several BAC stages.
二、 Solving the problem To compare the effects of alcohol and prolonged wakefulness on driving performance.
三、 References YearScholarPoint Pack et al. US Department of Transportation Mitler et al. Summala and Mikkola Schwing When the driver falling asleep during between 23:00, 3:00 and 7:00, and older driver in the mid afternoon always have the crashes. 1997Dawson and Reid To compare the performance decrements due to alcohol and keep wakefulness. 1.serial 19h wakefulness performance=BAC of 0.05% 2.serial 24h wakefulness performance=BAC of 0.1%
三、 References Dawson and Reid Arnedt and MacLean Compare the performance of two groups of subjects on a simulator. G1: alcohol (0.00, 0.05, 0.08%) G2: prolong wakefulness (24:00, 02:30, 05:00 and 07:30) Year ScholarPoint
四、 Methods Subjects 18 males years old Standard of the subjects: Good health; non-smoking; driving license; regular sleep schedule; no evidence of alcohol and drug abuse; normal daytime sleepiness. Drug and alcohol were prohibited before 48h to the first test. Avoiding caffeine ingestion before 24h to each experimental days.
四、 Methods-Dependent Measures Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS)- Current level of sleepiness of a series of descriptors. Modified Stanford Scale (MSS)- Current level of sleepiness of 24 questions and respond yes/no which identified two factors. 1.An energic or activating factor 2.Related to consciousness sleepiness and a loss of control over remaining awake.
四、 Methods-Performance Driving simulator 1. 4 lane road 2. Speed limits between km/h 3. Tester stays right hand lane 4. There were no other car on the road
四、 Methods-Performance Dependent measure: 1.Tracking-the deviation in feet of the center. 2.Tracking variability-S.D. 3.Speed deviation-different between the simulator and speed limit. 4.Speed variability-S.D. 5.Off-road incidents
四、 Methods-Steps 1h training session before 48 h on the first day. 3 experimental conditions (0.00, 0.05, 0.08%) 3 test conditions at the same time-of-day (14:00, 17:00, 20:00) using Latin Square designs. The subjects can’t know the beverage concentration.
四、 Methods-Steps On the experimental days, tester get 20min training session. two 250-ml drinks containing either only tonic water or tonic water mixed with 100% ethyl alcohol (USP). Alcohol were calculated the tester’s body water which is computed from the height, weight and age of each subject.
四、 Methods-Steps 30min to drink the beverage. Taking 30min break after drinking then complete the SSS and the MSS, and drive 30min. Completing the SSS and MSS after driving. At the final of each test day, subjects have to fill the checklist which is about the beverage concentration. (testers didn’t believe that they were cheated by the beverage.)
五、 Results
Significant differences (increase alcohol): 1.Tracking variability increased 2. speed deviation decreased (drove faster) 3. speed variability increased 4. number of off-road increased
五、 Results BAC %-tracking variability and off-road events BAC %- tracking variability, speed variability and off-road events BAC %- tracking variability and off-road events Performance decreased within the 30min driving. Time-of-day were absent.
五、 Results
六、 Discussion Alcohol produce the impairment on the driving simulator. Alcohol has been found to produce impairments on the psychomotor tasks (tracking and RT) Performance decreases in 30min driving test which is relative to alcohol and sleep loss.
六、 Discussion After consuming alcohol have the sleepiness at time 23:00-07:00, 14:00-17:00 and midnight which fatigue accidents are likely to occur during these times.