Virtual Polytechnic Library: From “Home-Grown” Document Delivery Concept to a National Collaborative Platform for Resource Sharing by Václav Heicl, Stephanie Krueger, and Sasha Skenderija National Library of Technology in Prague Paper for the 14th IFLA Interlending and Document Supply Conference Istanbul, 1-3. October mm
Czech and Slovak Library Information Network (CASLIN)
210 mm
Integrated Virtual Library (INVIK)
210 mm Integrated Virtual Library (INVIK)
210 mm
Integrated Virtual Library (INVIK) requests scanned pages
210 mm Virtual Polytechnic Library (VPK)
210 mm VPK data ( ). Year Requests for DDS Received Requests for DDS Fulfilled Unfulfilled Requests Average Proccessing Time Requests for Digital Copies of Print Materials Pages Scanned (Processed) Requests for copies from licensed eResources Pages from eResources (Processed)Photocopy Requests Pages Copied (Processed) Requests for Printing from eResources Pages Printed (Processed) Fax Delivery Requests Pages Delivered by Fax International ILL Borrowing RequestsTOTAL REQUESTS :27: :47: :26: :31: :26: :10: :48: :28: :47: :01: :50: :11: :06:
210 mm VPK efficiency graph ( ).
210 mm The impact of the 2009 copyright clearance agreement.
210 mm VPK - Under the Hood.
210 mm VPK - Under the Hood.
210 mm VPK - Under the Hood.
210 mm VPK - Under the Hood.
210 mm VPK - Under the Hood.
210 mm VPK - Under the Hood.
210 mm VPK - Under the Hood.
210 mm Central Portal for Czech Libraries (CPL)
210 mm Central Portal for Czech Libraries (CPL) CPL > ? +
210 mm Czech national purchasing consortium (CzechELib) ?
210 mm It all started in 2001 with VPK
210 mm Czech STM Consortium (from 2009 until 2017)
210 mm VPK, Discovery: Integration It’s happening NOW!
210 mm
Thank you!