Chemical Reaction Vocabulary
Chemical Reaction ExplanationExamplePicture CHEMICAL Reaction The making and breaking of bonds to create NEW substances with NEW properties! Trees take in carbon dioxide and water to create oxygen and glucose (CO 2 + H 2 O C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2 )
Chemical vs. Physical Properties ExplanationExamplePicture CHEMICAL Properties Characteristic that describes an objects ability to change identity You need to test in order to see Reactivity-how well objects react with other substances (you need to test this by doing) PHYSICAL Properties Characteristics that describes an object. Do not need to do anything to object to see Ms. Cumbo’s cat is black with white paws and green eyes. He has the softest fur
Chemical vs. Physical Change ExplanationExamplePicture CHEMICAL Change When a substance changes its identity When H and O bond, the go from being gasses to a liquid PHYSICAL Change When a substance changes its appearance; but keeps its identity When water boils, it goes from a liquid to a gas, but is still water
Endothermic vs. exothermic reaction ExplanationExamplePicture Endothermic reaction When energy is taken in in order to complete a chemical change In photosynthesis, trees need light to break down reactants and create products Exothermic reaction When energy is given out during a chemical change When burning wood, heat and light are given off