GALILEO Tutorial ProQuest Search Basics Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide. July 2008
ProQuest provides : A collection of databases developed and provided by ProQuest Information and Learning and licensed to GALILEO for your use Access to the full text of thousands of magazines, journals, books, and pamphlets in many different fields Indexing and abstracting of thousands of other titles Basic and advanced search tools that are both powerful and easy to use Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
From the Library’s Web page,Web page click on the link to GALILEO Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
Click on “Databases A-Z”
Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide. Type “proquest” in the search box and click the “Find Database” button.
Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide. Scroll down and click on “ProQuest Databases”.
The Basic Search screen lets you do simple searches easily. 1. Enter search terms in the box, … 2. … and click the “Search” button. Clicking “More Search Options” lets you limit your search further. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
This screen shows the additional search options. We will use “Basic Search” for this tutorial. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
We will search for full text articles on teen suicide. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
Our search returned 352 articles. ProQuest suggests alternative subjects for us to search. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
Results are shown in groups of 10 per page. At the bottom of each page are links that let you jump to the first, next, or last page, or to choose which page to display. You can also choose how many results to show on each page. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
ProQuest displays articles in 3 different formats. “Full Text”, … … “Text+Graphics”, … … and “Full Text – PDF”. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
“Full Text” shows an abstract of the article, followed by the text. Pictures or graphics in the original article are not shown. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
“Text+Graphics” shows an abstract, the text of the article, and any pictures or graphics from the original article. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
Articles displayed in Full Text or Text+Graphics have buttons at the top and bottom of the page for printing the article or ing it to yourself or someone else. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
“Page Image – PDF” shows the article as it originally appeared in the magazine, with all pictures and graphics in place. PDF files have their own controls for printing the article or saving a copy to disk. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
You can search multiple ProQuest databases at once. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
Central Georgia Tech’s collection of ProQuest databases has been customized to best meet the needs of our faculty and students. Through GALILEO, we have access to 13 databases Covering a wide range of subjects. Click “more info…” for detailed Information about a database. Click “View titles” to see a list of all the titles included in the database. Press a key or click the mouse button to advance to the next slide.
For further information : The Library staff are ready to help. Please ask. See our presentation on using EBSCOhost. Please and let us know how we can improve these tutorials to better serve your Click the mouse button to exit the presentation. Press a key or click the mouse button to end the tutorial.