Major Academic Plan (MAP) Why Study Geology? Geology is the science of planet Earth. Geologists use elements of chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics in interpreting the evolution of the earth and its life forms. Applied geology addresses exploration of earth resources, environmental quality and hazards and practical understanding of the planet on which we live. Other Degree Options BS in Geology BAE in Earth and Space Science, Secondary Education Minor in Geology Bachelor of Arts in Geology Required Courses (31-37 credits) GEOL 120 Physical Geology–The Solid Earth (5) GEOL 121 Physical Geology–Surficial Processes (5) GEOL 122 Historical Geology (5) GEOL 311 Earth Materials (4) GEOL 312 Crystallography and Optical Mineralogy (4) GEOL 313 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (4) GEOL 490 Senior Capstone: Geology Field Camp (10) Requires GEOL 430/431 or GEOL 490 Water and the West (4) or GEOL 491 Senior Thesis (4) Required Supporting Courses (10 credits) CHEM 151 General Chemistry (5) CHEM 152 General Chemistry (5) Choose from one of the following supporting courses (5 credits) BIOL 171 Biology I (5) GEOG 328 Geographic Information Systems I (5) GEOG 410 Geomorphology (5) MATH 161 Calculus I (5) MATH 380 Elementary Probability and Statistics (5) PHYS 131 Introductory Physics I (4) and PHYS 161 Mechanics Lab (1) Elective Credits (20) GEOL 320 Environmental Geology (4) GEOL 360 Geologic Hazards (4) GEOL 408 Invertebrate Paleontology (4) GEOL 411 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (4) GEOL 430 Structural Geology I (4) GEOL 431 Structural Geology II (4) GEOL 470 Hydrogeology (4) GEOL 496 or GEOL 425 Geology field course or Eastern WA Geology, respectively (up to 5 credits) Department Chair Dr. Jennifer Thomson SCI Department Assistant Carolyn Harbolt SCI Sample Careers Park naturalist Urban and regional planner Geological technician Associate in Arts BA in Geology (66 – 72 credits) Department of Geology College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Degree Requirements (AA-DTA) with Suggested Classes that Fulfill EWU Prerequisites/Requirements Required Courses for Undergraduate Students at EWU International Studies (4 quarter credit minimum) FLAN207 Contemporary World Cultures (3) HIST131 Latin American History (3) HIST181East Asian History and Culture (3) HIST 210 MUSH163 Survey of World Music (3) PHIL111 World Religions (3) POLS237 International Politics and Problems (3) SOC102 Social Problems (3) SPAN201 Intermediate Spanish I (3) WRITTEN COMPOSITION (6 credits) ENGL 101 English Composition (3)ENGL 101 College Composition: Exposition and Argument (5) ENGL 102 English Composition (3)ENGL 201 College Composition: Analysis/Research/Document (5) ORAL COMMUNICATION (3 credits) COMM 101 Intro to Speech Communication (3) CMST 201 Public Speaking (5) MATHEMATICAL WAYS OF KNOWING (3-5 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. SCIENTIFIC WAYS OF KNOWING (8 credits) GEOL 102 Historical Geology (5)GEOL 122 Historical Geology (5) CHEM 111(L) Prin. of Gen. College Chem. I (5) CHEM 151 General Chemistry (5) HUMANISTIC AND ARTISTIC WAYS OF KNOWING (6 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL WAYS OF KNOWING (6 credits) Consult your advisor for course options. INSTITUTIONALLY DESIGNATED (4-6 credits) INTR 250 Integrative Inquiry (3)General Elective Credit (5) ELECTIVES (20-24 credits) CHEM 112(L) Prin. Of Gen. College Chem. II (5) CHEM 152 General Chemistry (5) These courses can be taken before or during the major Program. Foreign Language o Two full years of high school-level or one full year of college-level credit is required for graduation. Cultural Diversity (4 quarter credit minimum) ANTH225 Native People of North America (3) AIST101 Intro to American Indian Studies (3) COMM220 Intro to Intercultural Communication (3) ENGL 285 American Indian Literature (3) ENGL295 Contemporary U.S. Multicultural Literature (3) HIST240 American Indian History (3) SOC103 Cultural Diversity (3) SOC251 Race and Ethnic Relations (3) Course(s) listed in the left column are those offered at your institution, course(s) listed in the right column are those that are equivalent at EWU. *1 semester credit is equal to 1.5 quarter credits. To calculate quarter credits, multiply semester credits by 1.5.