FINAL SURVEY ANALYSIS Betsy Ball & Emily Warpool
Our Mission: ■Went from ‘hope’ to ‘optimism’. Is there really a difference between the general optimism for the future of the East and West sides of Newport? ■What would be a good way of measuring it? ■Where and how should we conduct our research? ■What exactly are we trying to find?
Our Creation ■As a class, we assembled a simple and quick 6 question survey with answers ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”. ■Our questions were actually statements phrased in the positive that the participant could either agree or disagree with. ■Each of the questions directly related to a section of need such as physical health, shelter, emotional support, etc. ■The survey questions were as follows:
1.I feel that I am able to provide for myself and those that rely on me. 2.I have generally felt safe in my neighborhood over the past year. 3.I eat well, exercise regularly, am rarely ill, and consider myself an overall healthy person. 4.There is someone in my life that I can trust and confide in. 5.I feel like my community is a supportive one. 6.I am optimistically looking forward to the future.
Our Conclusion ■The difference between the hope/optimism levels in the East and West was minimal. It was there, but not enough for us to say that the West side of Newport was in any kind of dire condition, emotional wise. ■The health question: why the big gap between East and West here of all places? ■SO what do our results mean for the city of Newport?