Loïc Grandchamp Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory “Probing QCD with High Energy Nuclear Collisions” Hirschegg, Jan ’05 with H. van Hees, S. Lumpkins, R. Rapp, D. Sun Quark(onium) Production in URHICs
Motivations / Introduction Charm & bottom in HI collisions produced early, small HG int. ) probe the medium energy loss coalescence thermalization two mass scales: m c ' 1.5 GeV, m b ' 5 GeV in-medium modifications heavy-light systems, –symmetry restoration resonances in QGP, quarkonia above T c Quark(onium) evolution & timescales Nuclear absorption N cc frozen Thermal QGP Mixed phase Suppression/Regeneration Hadron gas Thermal Freezeout Free streaming
Outline This talk Heavy quarks and quarkonia in matter Lattice QCD Charmonia in QGP, HG C-quark thermal equilibration Charmonium equilibrium numbers Rate equations Quarkonium in A-A collisions Charmonium at SPS & RHIC ’/ ratio Lighter systems Bottomonium Not in this talk Open-charm production in pp (expts. + N coll scaling) Nuclear suppression ( nuc from expts.)
Lattice QCD heavy quark Free energy [Karsch et al. ’00] Reduction of the open charm threshold Even below T c Smooth transition across T c ) medium effects: m c ¤, m D ¤, ’/ ratio Heavy quarks & lattice QCD Spectral functions from Lattice [Umeda et al. ’02] Low-lying charmonia survive in the QGP Mass constant Large width increase across T c Charmonium lifetimes
Quarkonium above T c gluodissociation [Bhanot, Peskin ‘79] 0 >> QCD “quasifree” [LG + R. Rapp ’01] 0 » QCD Reduced in-medium 0 ) quasifree more efficient ) applicable for ’,
Quarkonium below T c Hadronic interactions (vacuum) Inefficient (small densities) Even for excited states In-medium effects % inel. collisions & DD threshold ’ fragile J/ robust [Navarra et al.] M.Ex CQM QCD-SR pQCD [LG + R. Rapp ’03]
P ? -spectra: insensitive, null effect [Batsouli etal. ‘02] Similarly for D-meson from coalescence [Greco etal. ‘03] PHENIX 130AGeV e±e± D Pythia Thermal + flow PHENIX 200AGeV D-meson coalescence C-quark interactions: Thermalization ? B bottom charm Elliptic flow: v 2 (e § ) needs confirmation N f =4 QGP !? [PHENIX Prelim] [STAR Prelim] Possible mechanism : [van Hees + Rapp ’04] resonant open-charm rescattering c + q ! “D” ! c + q isotropic ! more efficient than pQCD
Quarkonium equilibrium numbers [LG + R. Rapp ’03]
Statistical hadronization at T c Quarkonia above T c ) regeneration in QGP Detailed balance: Quarkonium evolution in URHICs Thermal c-quark: , N eq : medium effects Link to Lattice QCD Convolute over fireball expansion Include feeddown Chemical off-equilibrium c Thermal off-equilibrium R [Braun-Munzinger +Stachel ’01 Gorenstein etal. ’02] [Thews etal. ’01 Ko etal. ’02 LG + R. Rapp ‘02]
[LG + R. Rapp ’03] Centrality dependence SPS Pb(158 AGeV)-PbRHIC 200 Au-Au SuppressionRegeneration Charmonium in A-A Excitation function Transition “direct suppressed” “statistical” SPS RHIC
Charmonium in A-A Medium effects: ’/ ratio
Lighter systems SPS In(158 AGeV)-InRHIC 200 Cu-Cu QGP Suppression regime Upcoming NA60 results 50% direct 50% regenerated Onset of regeneration Centrality dependence Medium effects: ’/ ratio NA60: In(158 AGeV)-In Still sensitive to in-medium effects Fireball thermalization in peripheral collisions ?
Model approaches at RHIC Suppression only [Kostyuk etal. ’02] Statistical Hadronization [Andronic etal. ’02] Suppression+Regeneration [Thews etal. ’03] equilibrium & off-equilibrium scenarios ) strong sensitivity to N cc
Bottomonium in A-A RHIC LHC Suppression prevails even at LHC ) “Control experiment” for charm regeneration [S. Lumpkins etal. ’05]
Model of charmonium production in A-A Survival of charmonia above T c Reduction of the open charm threshold + Rate equations SPS: charmonium suppression RHIC: charmonium regeneration Bottomonium suppression at RHIC & LHC Various observables, systems, energies Outlook C-quark thermalization ?! V 2 (e § ) needs confirmation V 2 (J/ ) P ? -distributions Conclusions QGP
Quark(onium) production in URHICs Extra Slides
Open Charm Production NN collisions LO pQCD: K ~ 4-7 NLO: K ~ 2-3 pA collisions Scaling AA collisions SPS central Pb-Pb RHIC central Au-Au
Primordial J/ : Pre-Eq Effects Nuclear absorption AA collisions L: nuclear path length nuc : 4.4 mb 50% effect in Pb-Pb at SPS RHIC Nuclear absorption ? NN collisions: ~ 1% of cc pairs form a quarkonium state pA collisions:
Thermal Fireball evolution Expanding thermal fireball Trajectory in ( B, T) plane at constant S and N B Quasiparticle-QGP / resonance HG equation of state Cylindrical expansion Parameters fitted to Final flow velocities Hadro-chemistry Consistency with Chemistry Hydrodynamics Dilepton yields
In-Medium Effects - II
High E T Effects in NA50 Transverse energy fluctuations at b=0 [Capella, Ferreiro & Kaidalov ’00] [Blaizot, Dinh & Ollitrault ’00] ET > 100 GeV Extra suppression Minimum Bias analysis [Capella, Kaidalov & Sousa ’01] Trigger energy loss ?
Other QGP Suppression Mechanisms
Minimum Bias Analysis
Dilepton Spectra