New England Association of Schools and Colleges Community Resources for Learning
Indicator 1: The school shall engage parents and families as partners in each student’s education and shall encourage their participation in school programs and parent support groups. Indicator 2: The school shall foster productive business/community/higher education partnerships that support student learning. Indicator 3: The school site and plant shall support and enhance all aspects of the educational program and the support services for student learning. Indicator 4: The physical plant and facilities shall meet all applicable federal and state laws and be in compliance with local fire, health, and safety regulations.Indicator 1: Indicator 2: Indicator 3: Indicator 4:
Community Resources for Learning Indicator 5: Equipment shall be adequate, properly maintained, catalogued, and replaced when appropriate. Indicator 6: A planned and adequately funded program of building and site management shall ensure the appropriate maintenance, repair, and cleanliness of the school plant. Indicator 7: There shall be ongoing planning to address future programs, enrollment changes, staffing, facility, and technology needs as well as capital improvements.Indicator 5: Indicator 6: Indicator 7:
Community Resources for Learning Indicator 8: The community and the district’s governing body shall ensure an adequate and dependable source of revenue to provide and maintain appropriate school programs, personnel, services, facilities, equipment, technological support, materials, and supplies for student learning. Indicator 9: Faculty and building administrators shall have active involvement in the budgetary process, including its development and implementation.Indicator 8: Indicator 9:
Indicator 3 The school site and plant shall support and enhance all aspects of the educational program and the support services for student learning.
Indicator 3: Are the school site and plant sufficient to enhance all aspects of the educational program? adequate and appropriate space is provided to ensure full implementation of the educational program (e.g., science labs, media/information center, sufficient number of classrooms, storage areas, etc.)
Indicator 3: Are the school site and plant sufficient to enhance all aspects of the educational program? adequate space is provided for the school administration and for student support services (e.g., administrative offices, private conference rooms for special education and guidance personnel, offices for guidance counselors and social workers, appropriate nursing space, etc.)
Indicator 3: Are the school site and plant sufficient to enhance all aspects of the educational program? the school site provides adequate space for outdoor physical education classes and athletic activities; for safe and secure auto parking for teachers, parents, students, and guests; for fire drills; and for the general entrance, egress, and outdoor recreation of students
Indicator 3: Are the school site and plant sufficient to enhance all aspects of the educational program? the school plant/facility is able to house safely and adequately all school programs unless suitable alternative space has been provided
Indicator 4 The physical plant and facilities shall meet all applicable federal and state laws and be in compliance with local fire, health, and safety regulations.
Indicator 4: Are the school plant and facilities well- maintained to ensure an environment that is healthy and safe for all occupants? Do the physical plant and other facilities meet all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations?
Indicator 4: adequate supplies, materials, equipment, and personnel are provided to ensure that the site and plant are safe, healthy, clean, and well-maintained
Indicator 4: the facility is clean and equipment is well- maintained; any school equipment that is found to be unsafe is immediately removed and repaired
Indicator 4: comments and complaints about school maintenance as it relates to issues of health or safety are regularly solicited from teachers, students, et al. and are acted upon in a timely manner requests for repairs are addressed in a timely manner
Indicator 4: custodial staff and the outdoor maintenance crew are sufficient in number to meet all local fire, health, and safety regulations with regular checks conducted yearly and proper documentation maintained
Indicator 4: the plant and facility meet all applicable federal and state laws and are monitored by the administration (including the storage of chemicals, maintenance of fire extinguishers, etc.)
Indicator 4: ventilation, temperature control, and air quality are regularly checked and meet all local and state health requirements throughout the facility
Indicator 4: the entire facility is handicapped accessible when the plant and/or other facilities are not in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, the school makes immediate plans to address the problems including necessary repairs and modifications or the use of temporary alternative facilities
Indicator 5: Equipment shall be adequate, properly maintained, catalogued, and replaced when appropriate. Does the school provide adequate equipment? Is equipment properly maintained, catalogued, and replaced when appropriate? the school provides the equipment necessary to meet instructional and facility needs clear responsibilities for the maintenance and monitoring of equipment are designated to appropriate personnel (e.g., head custodian for maintenance equipment; audio-visual coordinator for projectors, etc.; computer coordinator for computers, scanners, etc.) regular maintenance and replacement schedules and cataloguing systems are in place for all furniture and equipment, both instructional and administrative according to a district plan
Indicator 6: Community Resources for Learning Is there a well-planned and adequately funded program of building and site management that ensures the maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment as well as the thorough and ongoing cleaning of the facility?
Indicator 6: Community Resources for Learning a manager/supervisor of facilities and maintenance oversees the planning and supervision of the maintenance program including the: purchasing of adequate supplies, materials, and equipment and the hiring, training, and management of personnel
Indicator 6: Community Resources for Learning a formal plan/schedule is in place for the: regular maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment and for the ongoing cleaning of the facility
Indicator 6: Community Resources for Learning adequate personnel are in place to ensure that equipment and facilities are well-maintained
Indicator 6: Community Resources for Learning sufficient funds are provided for the necessary personnel, supplies, materials, and equipment to ensure adequate site and facility maintenance and cleanliness
Indicator 6: Community Resources for Learning members of the school community express satisfaction with the maintenance and cleanliness of the facility
Indicator 7: There shall be ongoing planning to address future programs, enrollment changes, staffing, facility, and technology needs as well as capital improvements. Is there a strategic plan in place that addresses future program, staffing, school enrollment, facility, and technology needs as well as capital improvements?
Indicator 7: a strategic plan designed jointly by teachers, the school board, and administrators with involvement by parents, students, and community members delineates future needs in the six areas noted above for a five year period and the chronological steps to be used to address these needs the school uses data to inform regular, thoughtful program planning a formal record-keeping system tracks yearly school enrollment with breakdowns by course and department (or other organizational structure) as well as staffing allocations to provide the data necessary for appropriate planning
Indicator 7: necessary bond proposals and other mechanisms needed to raise and provide revenue for capital projects are prepared and presented in a timely and efficient manner a formal 5 year technology plan that addresses the needs, costs, and strategic purchasing of technology (particularly computers) has been developed, is being implemented, and is reviewed and revised on an annual, if not more frequent basis adequate long-range plans to address programs, staffing, and facility needs as well as capital improvements
Indicator 8: The community and the district’s governing body shall ensure an adequate and dependable source of revenue to provide and maintain appropriate school programs, personnel, services, facilities, equipment, technological support, materials, and supplies for student learning.
Indicator 8 Do the community and the district’s governing body provide adequate and dependable resources and revenue to support all aspects of the educational program?
Indicator 8 the school assesses budget priorities annually the school uses data about student learning needs to make budgetary decisions yearly budget planning solicits feedback from parents and other community members in the early stages in order to determine school needs and to generate broad-based community support the budget planning process attempts to balance the need for adequate program support with that of responsible fiscal restraint
Indicator 8 broad-based communication efforts are made to generate awareness of budget needs, of meetings being held to present the budget, and of the process to be used to vote on the budget the school and district administrators and the district’s governing body provide authoritative and proactive leadership in preparing, presenting, and generating support for passage of the budget similar leadership and proactive planning are provided in determining the need for and the passage of necessary bond issues as the result of the actions above, yearly budgets are generally passed with substantial support of the community
Indicator 9 Faculty and building administrators shall have active involvement in the budgetary process, including its development and implementation.
Indicator 9 Do faculty and building administrators have a strong voice in the budgetary process including its development and implementation?
Indicator 9 a formal process is in place for soliciting feedback from teachers and other staff members about budget needs (e.g., department request processes, site-based budget committees, faculty governing councils or steering committees) school instructional leaders (e.g., department heads, deans of faculty, academic coordinators) as well as the principal and other administrators are called upon to make budget requests and to develop the budget
Indicator 9 instructional leaders and administrators are called upon to speak publicly on behalf of the school budget and to justify requested expenditures school instructional leaders and administrators are delegated the responsibility for allocating and spending the major proportion of monies designated for teaching and learning purposes school instructional leaders and administrators are given current, up-to-date information on the status of budget allocations throughout the school year