Award for Award for Excellent Performance in Excellent Performance in English Week Competition Spring Semester,2010 English Week Competition Spring Semester,2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Award for Award for Excellent Performance in Excellent Performance in English Week Competition Spring Semester,2010 English Week Competition Spring Semester,2010

G1 Songs and Chants AwardGroup Outstanding Performance Peacock Exceptional Performance Seagull Excellent Performance Parrot

G2 Story Telling Competition Award GroupName Outstanding Performance Marshmallow 204 Claire 林宜謙 Exceptional Performance Jelly Bean 202 Tiffany 崔立欣 202 Alvin 張允軒 Excellent Performance Gummy Bear 201 Isabelle 郭珊妤

G3 Reading Competition Award GroupName Outstanding Performance Grimm 304 Mandy 曹新妍 Outstanding Performance Dickens 303 Megen 許濰昕 Exceptional Performance Shakespeare 303 Andy 陳家宇 Excellent Performance Newton 301 Trista 郭律廷

G3 Dictionary Competition Award GroupName Outstanding Performance Shakespeare 304 Wells 陳彥瑋 Exceptional Performance Newton 301 Wendy 杜宜庭 Excellent Performance Newton 302 Cindy 徐淳姿

G4 Reader Theater Competition Award GroupName Outstanding Performance Swordfish 402 Leo 林彥宇 402 Angela 周晏竹 402 Sinceya 葉玟伶 402 Benson 蔡聿超 402 Joanne 林宸安 Exceptional Performance Shark 403 Lucy 楊若熙 404 Melody 戴孟涵 403 Barbie 歐昱儀 404 Angela 王煜晴 403 Peter 林誠哲 403 Allen 趙緯 Excellent Performance Starfish 401 Alex 陳俊維 401 Anita 黃怡家 402 Amy 潘品欣

G5 Speech Competition Award GroupName Outstanding Performance Rose 503 Phoebe 莊豫 Exceptional Performance Daisy 503 Elva 盧俞君 Excellent Performance Rose 503 Amy 應雨彤

G6 Writing Competition Award GroupName Outstanding Performance Squirrel 603 Molly 杜宛庭 Exceptional Performance Panda 601 Jasmine 蘇依心 Excellent Performance Squirrel 601 Betty 艾君璐 603 Eva 曾馨儀 603 David 陳信安