Safety in the Laboratory
Conduct yourself in a responsible manner!! Conduct yourself in a responsible manner!! Follow all written and verbal instructions. Follow all written and verbal instructions. Never work alone. Never work alone. General Guidelines
Don’t touch anything until you are told to do so. Don’t touch anything until you are told to do so.
Do not eat, drink, or chew gum during a lab. Do not eat, drink, or chew gum during a lab.
Only perform the experiment you are supposed to be working on.
Be prepared. If possible, read the Be prepared. If possible, read the lab the night before. lab the night before.
Keep your work area clean. Keep your work area clean. Keep aisles clear. Put your backpack under or on top of an empty table. Keep aisles clear. Put your backpack under or on top of an empty table.
Know where the safety equipment is located. Know where the safety equipment is located. Be alert and cautious. Be alert and cautious. Dispose of chemicals properly. Different chemicals need to be disposed of in different ways. Dispose of chemicals properly. Different chemicals need to be disposed of in different ways.
Read chemical labels carefully before you use them. Read chemical labels carefully before you use them. Keep hands away from face and eyes during a lab, and always wash your hands when you are done. Keep hands away from face and eyes during a lab, and always wash your hands when you are done.
Don’t leave your lab station unattended while you are working. Don’t leave your lab station unattended while you are working.
Clothing ALWAYS WEAR YOUR GOGGLES. There are no exceptions. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR GOGGLES. There are no exceptions. Don’t wear contact lenses. Don’t wear contact lenses.
Dress properly. No loose, long hair (pull it back). No dangling jewelry. No baggy clothing. Dress properly. No loose, long hair (pull it back). No dangling jewelry. No baggy clothing.
Accidents and Injuries Report all accidents to the teacher right away. Report all accidents to the teacher right away. If you splash chemicals on If you splash chemicals on your skin or clothing, or your skin or clothing, or in your eyes, immediately in your eyes, immediately rinse with plenty of water. rinse with plenty of water.
Handling Chemicals ALL CHEMICALS IN THE LAB ARE DANGEROUS. Handle them with care. ALL CHEMICALS IN THE LAB ARE DANGEROUS. Handle them with care. Never return unused chemicals to the original container. Never return unused chemicals to the original container.
Handle acids with special care. Handle acids with special care. Never remove chemicals from Never remove chemicals from the lab. the lab.
Handling Glassware and Equipment Never handle broken glass with your bare hands. Use a dustpan. Never handle broken glass with your bare hands. Use a dustpan. When unplugging equipment, pull the plug, NOT the cord, NOT the piece of equipment. When unplugging equipment, pull the plug, NOT the cord, NOT the piece of equipment.
Never use cracked or chipped glassware. Never use cracked or chipped glassware. Report damaged equipment immediately. Report damaged equipment immediately. Do not put hot glassware in cold water. Do not put hot glassware in cold water.
Heating Substances Use caution when using the bunsen burners. Use caution when using the bunsen burners. Never leave a lit burner unattended. Never leave a lit burner unattended.
Remember—hot glass and metal stay hot for a long time. BE CAREFUL! Remember—hot glass and metal stay hot for a long time. BE CAREFUL!
When in doubt ask questions! When in doubt ask questions!