Lesson: Capitalization and End Punctuation
the whole class received extra homework because they were rowdy and disruptive the entire period
The whole class received extra homework because they were rowdy and disruptive the entire period.
1. did the boats have another source of power 2. thirty-two oarsmen rowed at the same time 3. what huge waves pounded the ship 4. were the boats really seventy-six feet long 5. construct a scale model of a Viking ship
1. Did the boats have another source of power? 2. Thirty-two oarsmen rowed at the same time. 3. What huge waves pounded the ship! 4. Were the boats really seventy-six feet long? 5. Construct a scale model of a Viking ship.
Lesson: Capitalization of Proper Nouns and Proper Adjectives
uncle jim and aunt arlene live in the white house on the corner of spruce street and elm street in lebanon
Uncle Jim and Aunt Arlene live in the white house on the corner of Spruce Street and Elm Street in Lebanon.
Name specific people, places, or things Capitalize first word of a proper noun and each additional important word
Names, initials J.K. Rowling Milton S. Hershey Titles, abbreviations John F. Kennedy Jr. the President Terms for relatives Uncle Sam Grandpa George Cities, countries, states Annville, Pennsylvania Europe Continents, regions of the United States United States the Midwest Planets Mercury Jupiter Bodies of Water Atlantic Ocean Red Sea Geographic feature Grand Canyon Niagara Falls Streets, highways Pennsylvania Turnpike Manheim Street
The city of Tucson, Arizona is located in the Southwest. Why is Tucson, Arizona, and Southwest capitalized?
Buildings, bridges, monuments Golden Gate Bridge Museum of Natural History Days, months Friday November Organizations, institutions Red Cross Lebanon Valley College Language, people English Asian Events, periods Renaissance American Revolution Documents Declaration of Independence Emancipation Proclamation
Are adjectives formed from proper nouns Must also be capitalized
Proper NounsProper Adjectives Asia France Olympus Iron Age April Asian countries French bread Olympic games Iron Age tools April showers
At the club’s August meeting, Indian food was served. Why is August and Indian capitalized?
1. finally uncle albert introduced the governor to the audience 2. a camel caravan headed west across the sahara desert 3. during the war of 1812, british ships blockaded the coast 4. astronomers studied mars from the mount palomar observatory 5. the declaration of independence was adopted on july 4, 1776
1. Finally Uncle Albert introduced the governor to the audience. 2. A camel caravan headed west across the Sahara Desert. 3. During the War of 1812, British ships blockaded the coast. 4. Astronomers studied Mars from the Mount Palomar Observatory. 5. The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776.
Mission Impossible Pirates of the Caribbean