Environmental Concepts in Philippine Higher Education
Environmental Courses BaccalaureateGraduate Diploma in Environmental Science BS Environmental Development BS Environmental Hygienve BS Environmental Science BS Environmental Management MS major in Environmental Science BS Ecological Tourism BS Environmental Studies BS Environmental Planning BS Environmental and Sanitary Engineering BS Environmental Engineering BS Ecology and Environmental Engineering MS Environmental Planning MS Environmental Education MS Environmental Management MS Environmental Engineering MS Environmental Policy MS Environmental Science MS Environmental Studies MS Environmental Planning MS Environmental Science
Environmental concepts are: Multi-disciplinary Cuts across many areas of study Inclusion in the curriculum could be done by offering a separate subject or integration in appropriate subjects.
Obstacles in Introducing Environmental Concepts Mandating the offering of a separate subject: means adding more units to the already “heavy” curriculum may encourage other groups for the inclusion of similar concerns like: gender, equality, peace, poverty and concern for the disabled persons.
Obstacles in Introducing Environmental Concepts There is a need to consider the: Readiness of the faculty members to teach the subject Availability of reference materials Strategies to be adopted to make the teaching interesting
Proposed Action Identification of areas/subjects where environmental concepts can be integrated. Development of teacher’s guide book. Establishment of linkages with other HEIs, industry, other government agencies and professional organizations.
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