Methodology Section In-class workshop
METHODOLOGY YesNo Clearly write/identify your research questions Describe what your instrumentation was (survey questionnaire or interview) Describe the participants/subjects (survey respondents or interviewees) Describe the method or how your data was collected (how did you conduct the survey or interview) Describe what sorts of questions you asked in the survey
Gap in Literature: Need to conduct research This is the last part of the Literature Review Section, just before the Methodology Section
Type of research conducted
Describe the participants/subjects (survey respondents or interviewees)
Describe what your instrumentation was (survey questionnaire or interview)
Describe what sorts of questions were asked in the survey
Measurement method using results from interviews and survey results
Results and Analysis follow
Case Analysis 2 Development of the L2 Motivational Self System: English at a University in Japan METHODOLOGY YesNo Clearly write/identify your research questions Describe what your instrumentation was (survey questionnaire or interview) Describe the participants/subjects (survey respondents or interviewees) Describe the method or how your data was collected (how did you conduct the survey or interview) Describe what sorts of questions you asked in the survey university-japan
Look at sakurai-methodolgy.pdf and note how the important points in the Methodology section were identified.
Case Analysis 3 In-class task METHODOLOGY YesNoPaste here the corresponding texts (in the selected paper) Clearly write/identify the research questions Describe what the instrumentation was (survey questionnaire or interview) Describe the participants/subjects (survey respondents or interviewees) Describe the method or how the data was collected (how did you conduct the survey or interview) Describe what sorts of questions were asked in the survey
1. On your wiki, create a page called Methodology_case_analysis 2. Copy and the paste the Table which lists the criteria for writing the methodology section. 3. Go to any of the websites below and choose an article to analyze. Look at the methodology section. 4. Using the list of criteria for writing the methodology section (see table), identify which part of the text matches each criterion. Paste the selected texts on your wiki. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching ( ) Journal of Asia TEFL ( click Past Issues) TESOL in Context ) The New English Teacher d=42:net&Itemid=116 The Language Teacher ( )