Happy Thanksgiving KAYLIN GUZMAN November 24,2009 Mr. Jiang, MECPS
What is the history of Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a harvest festival. Traditionally, it is a time to give thanks and be grateful for what you have. The original date and people who started this is not really known.
When In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October. However, in America and many other cultures, it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.
We, as in people of America celebrate Thanksgiving by having a feast. Some people celebrate Thanksgiving by giving back to life and helping those in need. Others celebrate Thanksgiving by watching football and enjoying the game. How do we celebrate?
What do you like the most about Thanksgiving? I like that Thanksgiving is a real peaceful holiday. Everybody knows how to act on that day and there are no arguments. If there is an argument, people try to refrain from it.
My Wishes and Greeting on Thanksgiving For Thanksgiving, I wish for many love and support from person to person. I wish that everyone is nice and warm with their family and happy. Life should just be happy. :] There is more than life than just to live.