Service Plan Enrique Sigas, Esq. President
Happiness is the only thing that one can give without having it, and it is in giving it that you acquire it.” Voltaire
Youth & Education Interact & Rotaract Clubs Healthy Vision Program Annual Health Fair “Feria por la Vida 2009”
Homeless Program Environmental Program Annual Thanksgiving luncheon Libraries for Literacy Persons with Disabilities
Scholarships for Disadvantaged Public School Students Support for Congress of Leaders, Presidential Classroom and Robinson School Scholar Matching Funds program for Presidential Scholarship from InterAmerican University
Matenwa Learning Center Matching Grant Guatemala Literacy Project Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity Collaboration with InterAmerican University School of Optometry
Outstanding Weekly Speakers Program 11 Fellowship Activities to include: Golf Tournament Christmas and Valentines Party SJR 92 nd Anniversary Celebration Tennis Tournament 4 Rotary Revelries Wine tasting Field Trip
Rotary Information Moments New Marketing Committee More District and Inter-Club activities Awards in the Arts & Sciences District Leadership Training Institute
Implement Annual Contribution - $15,000 Increase Paul Harris Fellows from 95 to 100 Increase Paul Harris Sustaining Members to 150 from current 146 Get all members involved in at least one committee during
Increase Membership Retain Members Fundraising
Chair Marcos Vidal Jose Irizarry, Norman Maldonado, Bucky Tervo, Rafael Aponte, Jose Vazquez-Berio, Ernesto Serralles, Louis Petit Increase Number of Members
Chair Bucky Tervo Jose Irizarry, Bucky Tervo, Troy Fields, Juanita Morris, Claudio Reck, Teresita Bague
Chair Marcos Vidal Dotty Hill, Ron Chevako, Federico Sanchez, Claudio Reck, Bert Foti, Edgardo Silva, Ken McGrath First Annual Gala for the Rotary Foundation
Current – June 30, Members Projected Goal – June 30, Members net
The Rotary Club of San Juan President Enrique Sigas Esq.