Seamless Acceptance MLOCR Meeting August 17, 2005
2 What Is the PostalOne! system? USPS Information Management System that: –Is designed to streamline the business mailing experience through a suite of electronic features and services –Links mailing information electronically with USPS acceptance, verification and payment systems
3 PostalOne! ® Mailing Information Customers Offers Drop Shipment Scheduling Presents Mailing Documents Provides Account Access Automates Postage Payment Process What Can it Do?
4 PostalOne! ® Mailing Information Customers Benefits Speeds Service by Automating Services Eliminates Hardcopy Paperwork Offers On-Line View of Mailer’s Account Including: - Mailing Activity - Payments - Irregularities Links Business Functions Across the USPS Supply Chain What Are the Benefits? Offers Centralized Payment Options
5 How Can You Send Information? Structured approach to electronic documentation and postage that offers options for all mailers: –Mail.dat™ » File-Based Electronic Exchange –Web Services » Form-Based Electronic Exchange –Postage Statement Wizard » Postage Statements Online Allows Mailer to choose one best suited for them Web Services Mail.dat™ PS Wizard PostalOne! ®
6 Mail.dat™ Mail.dat™ is an industry controlled specification that requires membership and registration fee with IDEAlliance A comprehensive “supply chain” relational data file Normally used in high volume, complex preparation schemes
7 Web Services USPS controlled specification that requires no fee for use Leverages mature XML technology Enables mailer to convert data outputs to electronic forms to submit to USPS Enables mailer to develop own browser “look and feel”
8 Postage Statement Wizard Online tool that allows access to USPS forms via any desktop browser Enter information and submit online Supports all Postage Statements and Drop Shipment Forms
9 Web Services Today Today the system accepts: –Postage Statements –Qualification reports –Batch manifests Currently have two customers testing the system
10 Changes for MLOCR/BCS Mail Use of Web Services Can include OMAS permit imprint mail Postage Statement for each/any customer in the mailings
11 Guidelines for MLOCR/BCS Mail (Cont.) Required documentation: –Qualification Report (from mailer) –Summary ZIP Destination Report (from Mailer) –Postage Summaries (USPS generated) –Customer Mail Report (from mailer)
12 Guidelines for MLOCR/BCS Mail (Cont.) Submitter must specify in transmission that mailing is Combined/Value Added (Com/VAR) Submitter sends a postage statement for each customer on the Customer Mail Report For postage affixed statements, submitter also must specify account number and type for payment of additional postage
13 Guidelines for MLOCR/BCS Mail (Cont.) PostalOne! system will generate a “Master” First-Class postage statement when there is more than one individual postage statement PostalOne! system includes a reconciliation page which compares total of all pieces for each rate qualification from each postage statement to the rate qualification totals on the Qualification Report
14 Qualification Report
15 Summary ZIP Destination Report
16 Postage Summary
17 Customer Mail Report
18 PostalOne! Dashboard
19 Postage Statement Relationships
20 Next Steps Draft requirements Cost estimate Schedule Develop Test Implement