Structured / Unstructured Market Trials Bi-Weekly Update – Friday Meeting June 21, 2013
Agenda Structured Market Trials Daily Calendar: June 24 – 30 Scenarios Scheduled: 4.0: RTBM Outage Simulation 12.0: Out of Merit Energy Dispatch (OOME) 17.3: Reserve Cap Testing Release Scorecard Migration Report Known Issues Log Unstructured Testing Extended Connectivity Testing Update – Brett Crane 2
Outstanding Questions None 3
Calendar Reminders 4 June 24 – June 30 June 24 – June 30 > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Official Operating Days – Wed June 26 & Thurs June 27 SPP will support questions concerning studies run during that day Activity specified by SMT Daily Calendar – Base Case Scenarios, Structured Testing, Unstructured testing based on MP offers Friday Maintenance Member-impacting maintenance will happen on Friday afternoons 24-hour notice if member impacts are expected Saturday - Reserved for MP Testing SPP will not override offer data Studies will be run, system permitting
Tips and Guidelines 5 SMT Tips and Guidelines posted on SMT Tips and Guidelines > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Information included: Mitigated Offers Even though we are not yet testing Mitigation functionality, SPP does still want MPs to submit mitigated offers. Resource Parameter Submission Guidelines Maximum Daily Energy, Maximum Run Time, Minimum Down Time, etc. Operating Reserve Fixed Dispatch MW Submissions MPs using the Fixed Dispatch Status for their OR Offers need to make sure the Fixed MW value they are submitting is reasonable
0.1 Base Scenario – Day Ahead Weeks 3-4: Energy and Operating Reserves with Constraints 2.0 MP Activities Submit and/or update bids & offers no later than 1100 Day-Ahead (DA) All MPs: May submit a limited amount of virtual bids and offers MPs can only bid/offer up to 10 transactions for each hour The Credit Check for all Virtual Bid submissions will be bypassed for the start of Market Trials Fixed transactions, which will be populated from current production RTOSS, will be the only transactions considered (Weeks 1-4) 6
4.0 – RTBM Outage Simulation 1.1 Scenario Description The RTBM application executes every 5 minutes to determine the dispatch setpoints and Cleared Reserves on each Resource using a Security Constrained Economic Dispatch. SPP has processes in place for different failure scenarios of the RTBM application. RTBM executing but unable to achieve a valid solution within a 5-min dispatch interval or Operator does not approve a case for a 5-min interval or RTBM application fails for less than 6 intervals RTBM executing but unable to achieve a valid solution within a 5-min dispatch interval or Operator does not approve a case for a 5-min interval or RTBM application fails for more than 6 intervals 7
4.0 – RTBM Outage Simulation Expected Results RTBM Application Not Executing or Loss Market System for < 6 Intervals (6/26/2013 from 11am to 12pm) MP does not receive Dispatch Instructions or Cleared Reserves for its Resource via XML for the intervals Resources still receive deployments for ICCP on a 4-second basis Energy Basepoints will be unchanged (stale) in ICCP RTBM Application Not Executing for > 6 Intervals (6/26/2013 from 1pm to 2pm) MP does not receive Dispatch Instructions or Cleared Reserves for its Resource for the intervals via XML RTGEN will begin deploying the system to follow load Energy Basepoints will change via ICCP The Total Dispatch Target and Dispatch Target Adjustment will be sent to the resource owner via ICCP The Total Dispatch Target is added to the current contingency reserve deployment and regulation deployment components to determine the setpoint for each resource, just as is done in the normal processing
2.0 MP Activities Note that XML messages with Dispatch Instructions are no longer being received. Verify that ICCP deployments are still being received on a 4-second basis. Make sure appropriate RT Market Contacts receive notification from SPP of the interval that RTGEN will begin load following deployment and targets are not being determined by SCED. Verify that ICCP deployments are still being received on a 4-second basis. Make sure at least one unit is receiving instructions to move up or down, and that this unit has a non-zero Unit Dispatch Target Adjustment value. Make sure appropriate RT Market Contacts receive notification from SPP that they are returning to normal operations and dispatch targets as well as cleared Reserves will resume sourcing from RTBM – RTBM Outage Simulation
– Out of Merit Energy Dispatch (OOME) 1.1 Scenario Description SPP or a local transmission operator may issue reliability directives via a Manual Dispatch Instruction to any online Resource to resolve a reliability issue the market system cannot resolve (referred to as OOME) Time permitting, OOME dispatch directives will be issued by SPP. A Resource will receive Setpoint Instructions via ICCP (and XML as backup) from SPP that include a Manual Dispatch Instruction for the duration of the reliability directive or may receive a Manual Dispatch Instruction directly from a local transmission operator. The Manual Dispatch Instructions will specify the MW level the Resource is expected to produce until such time as the constraint can be resolved by SCED through the RTBM. While the OOME instruction is active, the resource minimum and maximum limits will be treated as though they are equal to the OOME instruction. The resource will not be eligible to clear reserve products during an OOME event. If MP does not have a resource online, this scenario will not be exercised with that MP.
– Out of Merit Energy Dispatch (OOME) 1.2 Expected Result SPP Operators will issue the out of merit dispatch instruction via phone call to MP and receive a start and stop time. MP will receive the OOME instruction and OOME flag will be activated via ICCP and XML SPP Operators will remove the OOME instruction MP will no longer receive the OOME instruction and the OOME flag will be set to False via ICCP and XML as backup MP resource dispatch will go back to honoring the Real Time offer data 2.0 MP Activities MPs with Resources Offer resources as normal Observe OOME instruction and flag during OOME period *SPP will set up 15 min phone calls with each MP Market Trials Liaison with resources to issue and verify OOME activity. MT Liaisons should gather the staff who can make these verifications at their organizations for these calls.
17.3 – Reserve Cap Testing Scenario Description If a Resource fails all four compliance tests for a Operating Reserve product and the Resource’s individual smallest positive Shortfall Quantity is greater than 25% of the Contingency Reserve Deployment Instruction, a Reserve Cap MW is assigned to the subject resource. The amount of Contingency Reserve available to be cleared on Resource will be reduced by the lowest shortfall percentage based on the current Contingency Reserve Ramp Rate for online deployment, or Maximum Quick-Start Response Limit for Offline deployments, for the remainder of the Operating Day. 1.2 Expected Results Each resource that fails all 4 compliance tests by a shortfall of greater than 25% should receive a CAP MW. The online contingency reserve clearing of those resources should not exceed that CAP MW.
17.3 – Reserve Cap Testing MP Activities (Planned between 9am-12pm 6/27) Ensure that the resource identified by SPP is online in EIS Market. SPP sent out units to use via on 6/19. The MP may choose another resource if the SPP selected resource is not available. If any changes occur, the MP will need to submit an RMS ticket no later than 6/26. (VERs not included in this test) Ensure the resource is registered as qualified for spinning reserves and on-line supplemental reserves. Ensure the OR Dispatch Status for Spin and/or Supp products are set to “Fixed” and MW amount greater than the scenario reserve cap (30MW). Ensure the resource’s Contingency Reserve ramp rate curves and operating range are large enough to exceed the reserve cap (30MW) Observe the clearing of Contingency Reserve on resources identified. SPP will watch for fixed CR clearing of the resource and apply the CR cap manually for a minimum of 6 intervals Scenario assumes resource “failed” to comply with a CRD event MP to observe resource compliance cap and that future clearing does not exceed the cap MW.
Release Scorecard 14 Release Scorecard –Find the Release Scorecard on > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder
Migration Report 15 Migration Report –Find the Migration Report on > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder
Known Issues Log 16 Market Trials Known Issues Log –Find the Known Issues Log on > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Known Issues Update Review Known Issues being fixed and new functionality in the 6/21 Release
Unstructured Testing Tips 17 Types of Items MPs Should Test: DA Market Self commit during an operating day Self commit resources in the DA Market based on the MPs EIS resource plan (especially when settlements is available to see the interaction between DA Market and Real Time) Vary startup and no load costs on a resource to see the impact on clearing Submit virtual bids/offers at different pnodes Vary different commitment parameters and analyze results Max Daily Energy, Max Daily Starts, etc. Change Offers for Reserve Products Price Status
Unstructured Testing Tips 18 Types of Items MPs Should Test: RUC Vary different commitment parameters and analyze results Max Daily Energy, Max Daily Starts, Etc Change Commitment Status Reliability, Market, Outage, Self RT Market Integration with RTGEN startup and shutdown sequence – managing control mode 1. Control mode of 0 when offline 2. Control mode of 3 when ramping to min 3. Control mode of 1 or 2 when on and dispatchable 4. Reverse this when coming offline Change control modes for resources to see the effects on dispatch i.e. set control mode to 0 for a resource that is online, set control mode to 1 for a resource that is clearing regulation, etc.)
Unstructured Testing Tips 19 Types of Items MPs Should Test: Once CROW is integrated: Try to submit offers in the DA Market for resources that are outaged Once RTOSS is integrated: Enter in Dispatchable/Up to TUC transactions with very low prices to verify they clear if they are in the money Enter in Dispatchable/Up to TUC transactions with very high prices to verify they do not clear if they are out of the money Settlements: All kinds of changes and options Virtual bids vs. price –sensitive demand bid, URD, trigger other charge types
Scheduled Scenarios 20 June 24 – June 30 4.0: RTBM Outage Simulation 12.0: Out of Merit Energy Dispatch (OOME) 17.3: Reserve Cap Testing July 1 – July 7 No additional scenarios scheduled
SPP Hotline Reminder 21 SPP Hotline: Critical and High Issues Phone Number: Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 PM Critical Issue: one or more systems, or a function within a system, are rendered inaccessible or stop functioning all together An example of a critical issue is: "An MP cannot update RTBM offers for the current Operating Day." High Issue: One or more key functions within a system are non- operational, or a severe error exists in its processing, and there is no workaround Call the hotline when “stuck” (cannot move forward without help) Examples: data submission issue, real-time ICCP issues, etc.
Market Trials Useful Documentation Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Find useful documentation on > Integrated Marketplace > Market Trials > Structured/Unstructured Test > Integrated Marketplace Market Trials Project Documentation Folder Market Trials Daily Calendar Market Trials Daily Calendar SMT Tips and Guidelines Release Scorecard Change Tracker Market Trials Known Issues Log Migration Report Structured Market Trials Scenarios Market Participant Guide 22
Connectivity Test Execution Timeframe & Logistics Timeframe: –Connectivity Test Execution occurs over 4 weeks from June 3 rd – June 28 th. Logistics: –Tests executed are determined by what tests are deemed applicable by the MP in their Connectivity Test Checklist –Market Participants will be assigned a week during the test execution timeframe to perform their testing. Weekly Assignments can be found herehere –Test Execution Plans (modified checklists) will be provided via RMS.RMS –Tests are performed independently during the assigned week- no appointment needed. –Market Participants are to populate the execution plan as directed and return their results by the end of their assigned week via RMS.RMS –Issues with test execution will be handled via RMS. SPP Test Appointments will be provided only on an as needed based.RMS 23
Extended Connectivity Test Execution Week #2 MPs who Perform Extended Connectivity Testing June 10 th – June 14 th. –Cargill Power Markets LLC (Complete) –Noble Americas Gas & Power Corp (Complete) –Cimarron Wind Energy, LRR (Complete) –Rainbow Energy Marketing Corporation (Complete) –City of Chanute (Complete) –Shell Energy North America (US) LP (Complete) –Exelon Generation Company LLC –Twin Eagle Resource Management, LLC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Enel Green Power North America, INC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –JP Morgan Ventures Energy Corp(No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Trademark Merchant Energy, LLC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Buffalo Dunes Wind Project(No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Solomon Fork Wind Farm LLC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) 24
Extended Connectivity Test Execution Week #3 MPs Scheduled to Perform Extended Connectivity Testing June 17 th – June 21 st. Results due Friday 6/21 –AEP Energy Partners –Otter Tail Power Company –Carpe Diem Trading II, LLC –ETC Endure Energy –Tennessee Valley Authority –Edison Mission Marketing & Trading (Complete) –Blue Canyon V (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Wind Farm Bear Creek LLC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Citigroup Energy INC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Denver Energy, LLC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Infinity Wind Holdings, LLC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Transalta Energy Marketing [US] INC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Conoco Phillips Company (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –DB Energy Trading(DBET) (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –EDP Renewable North America LLC (Formerly Horizon Wind Energy LLC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) 25
Extended Connectivity Test Execution Week #4 MPs Scheduled to Perform Extended Connectivity Testing June 24 th – June 28 th. Results due Friday 6/28 –Dempsey Ridge Wind Farm, LLC –Galt Power INC –Macquire Energy LLC –MET Southwest Trading LLC –Midwest Energy Trading East LLC (MET1) (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Monterey SW, LLC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Monterey SWF, LLC (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Saracen Energy West (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Union Electric Company DBA Ameren Missouri (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Utilities Plus (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –Wind Farm 66 LLC(No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –XO Energy SW, LP (No Checklist: Can Not Participate) –XO Energy SW2, LP(No Checklist: Can Not Participate) 26
TCR Market Trials Update Critical Clinic Available : Integrated Marketplace: TCR Bid Activity –Net Conference detailing questions around How does TCR Market Clearing work? What is the timeline for the Phase 2 Re-Run of the Annual Auction? Which behaviors enable Market Participants (MPs) to limit risks and manage exposure? How should MP activity during TCR Market Trials compare to expected MP activity post TCR Market Go-Live? –Provided June 24th from 2:00pm – 4:30pm CDT –Please register for this event at the SPP Learning CenterSPP Learning Center 27
TCR Market Trials Update Revenue Inadequacy Update (Known Issue #417) –Currently Testing Fix for Known Issue –Annual Allocation Will be using allocation results from the initial run on April 5 th, 12 th & 19 th Because of Commercial Model upgrades made for SMT, some Market Participants Allocation results may be varied slightly from the initial run. –On Track to begin Annual Auction On Tuesday June 25th Market Participant Bid Window: June 25 th -28 th Results Posted: July 3 rd Business as Usual Starting with August Monthly Auction on July 8 th 28