Field Experiment Sarah Stephenson, Drew Murray, Danielle Perri, Meche Rico
Introduction Examining the effects of dress, conservative versus sexy, on customer service IV: conservative dress vs. sexy dress DV: customer service Conservative Dress: wearing modest clothing that disguises one’s body Sexy Dress: wearing revealing and provocative clothing Does the way a person dresses affect how the employee perceives the customer?
Literature Review “Sexy has become defined by our culture as objectification, which means girls in particular are turned into objects.” (Levin, D.E., & Kilbourne, J., 2009) Women’s clothing trends have demonstrated a “widespread acceptance” of conservative dress” (Harp, S. S. et al, 1990) Employee’s perception of the customer affects the level of service provided (Kim, M., & Lennon, S. J., 2005)
Research Method Conservative Dress VS Makeup Hair Jewelry Clothes Shoes Accessories Sexy Dress Makeup Hair Jewelry Clothes Shoes Accessories
Results Con’t
Conclusion Conservative dress received the best customer service