IEEE MEDIA INDEPENDENT HANDOVER DCN: Title: MIH Handover Initiation Strategy Consistency Date Submitted: November, 2007 Presented at IEEE session #23 in Atlanta Authors or Source(s): Junghoon Jee, Changmin Park, Hongseok Jeon Abstract: IEEE P802.21/D7.1 specifies MIH handover procedures to support target network selection among heterogeneous networks. There needs for mobile node and Serving to have a common recognition of which handover initiation strategy is utilized on that network.
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MIH Handover Initiation Strategy Remote MIHFs perform MIH handover procedures to support target network selection among heterogeneous networks. We have mobile-initiated and network-initiated handover procedures.
MIH handover initiation strategy Mobile-initiated procedure Network-initiated procedure Handover Initiator Handover Responder Handover Initiator Handover Responder
Consideration There are handover Initiator and Responder according to which role it needs to take on. Handover Initiator Needs to detect whether heterogeneous handover is required. Needs to initiate handover by sending MIH initiation message to the Handover Responder Handover Responder Needs to respond appropriately to the Handover Initiator’s request. Mobile-initiated procedure MN acts as Handover Initiator and Serving PoS acts as Handover Responder Network-initiated procedure Serving PoS acts as Handover Initiator and MN acts as Handover Responder
Problem Statement MN and Serving PoS need to recognize which roles they should take on. Currently, the MN and Serving PoS do not know which action it should perform even though the link is going down… If all MN and Serving PoS try to act as a Handover Initiator or Handover Responder, what would happen? There needs a way for MN and Serving PoS to recognize which MIH Handover Initiation Strategy is utilized on that network thus enabling them to perform right roles according to that strategy.
Proposal Definition of new Information Element to specify Handover Initiation Strategy. Handover_Initiation_Strategy inside Table B-12 Utilization of the MIH_Get_Information Response to deliver that Handover Initiation Strategy Definition of new MIH_Handover_Mode Indication. Type NameDerived From DefinitionValid Range Handover_Initiation _Strategy BITMAP(8)Indicates the supported handover initiation strategy Bit 0: Mobile-initiated Bit 1: Network-initiated Bit 2-7: (Reserved)
Mobile-initiated Procedure
Network-initiated Procedure