By chloe raykos
Vocation Vocation is the life-calling of every person and is created in everyone by God. Vocation as a life-calling is much more than just a job. Each person has a God-given vocation to contribute in a particular way to God’s creative activity in the world today. Each person has been provided with gifts needed to pursue their role to follow their vocation given by God.
Marriage Jesus restored God’s original plan for marriage: God revealed that marriage was meant to be a long-life and loving relationship between one man and one woman for the rest of their lives. The Sacrament of marriage strengthens and guides people in their life together: The purpose of marriage is to help restore the relationship god originally intended, between husband and wife. Baptised people confer the sacrament of marriage upon one another: This happens during which they exchange the vows of marriage before a priest or deacon or two other witnesses. Original sin destroyed God’s original plan. Jesus restored God’s original purpose: The sexual expression of married love Procreation of children
MARRIAGE Examples of roles and jobs that fall within the vocation: Married life Parent life Gifts and talents that a person may need to fulfil the vocation: Trust Commitment Patience
Ministerial Priesthood Jesus supports his followers personally through the ordained priesthood: Jesus appointed the apostles Established a community Jesus instituted the sacrament of Holy Orders: Bishops: people who inherited the spiritual gifts and responsibilities that jesus first gave the apostles. Priests: assist the bishops with their responsibilities as successors of the Apostle. Deacons: a special group of people who are called to serve the church through ministry of liturgy, word and charity ‘Celibate love’ is the love of a single-person, which is why when you enter the life of priesthood you have to be single.
Ministerial Priesthood Examples of roles and jobs that fall within the vocation: Priests - Brothers Deacons - bishops Pope -Arch bishop Gifts and talents that a person may need to fulfil the vocation: Happiness Guidance Patience Peaceful
Religious Life People called to religious lie seek to imitate Jesus by taking vows of poverty, chastity and obedience; ‘the evangelical counsels’: Chastity: imitating Christ by loving in a way that is totally available to everyone. Poverty: owing nothing personally in imitation of Christ. Depending on the church for support. Obedience: imitating Christ who gave his entire life to obeying God the Father, by placing one’s talents at the complete disposal of the church. People make a profession of vows, to live a life of gospel chastity, poverty and obedience in the service of God’s people.
Religious life Examples of roles and jobs that fall within the vocation: Sisters Nuns Brothers Priests Gifts and talents that a person may need to fulfil the vocation: Caring Kind Social
The basic purpose of every person’s life is to experience a loving relationship with God: The basic human vocation is to relate personally with god and become the person God calls each to be Every human was created to find happiness through their relationship with God Jesus revealed what happens after people die: Heaven (eternal life with God), hell (eternal life without God) or purgatory (The Last Judgement) Christian believe in life everlasting. Prayer, attending Church frequently, not turning away from God. Life Everlasting
Christian Vocation Christians have a vocation to share in the mission of Jesus as a: Priest: put others first Resurection- He sacrificed himself to God Eucharist- his body and blood People, now, offer every moment of their lives in spiritual sacrifice to God the Father. Prophet: speak out on behalf of the poor and the powerless King: exercise stewardship over all creation his mission was to establish the rule of God in the world- love and goodness that destroys evil. Promoted a society that reflected God and the values of God. Demonstrated he was a king through his service, not through dominance
Personal vocation Resumè: CV Chloe.doc
Bibliography Re bibliography.docx