Learning Skills and Work Habits Growing Successfully at Tosorontio Public School
Process At Tosorontio Staff Meeting Introduction Classroom Process Sharing With the Community
Staff Meeting Design Background informational articles Growing Success Teachers were asked “What does this learning skill look like in your classroom?” Collaboration and creation of success criteria for each learning skill
Classroom Process Identified Learning Skills and Work Habits as focus area on progress report Background information Teachers asked “What does this learning skill look like in our classroom?” Collaboration and co-creation of success criteria for selected learning skill
What Our Students Said Initiative I can be a leader I stand up for friends I am a member of groups or teams that I choose I am caring and helpful I try my best I pick up after myself I do something without being asked I have the courage to take responsibility I take the first steps to do something that needs to be done and sometimes lead others to help as well I look for and act on new opportunities I recognize and advocate appropriately for the rights of others I approach tasks with a positive attitude I have the ability to carry out a plan
What Our Students Said Responsibility I always do my job I show up for Green Team on time I follow classroom rules I take care of my belongings I finish my work on time I clean up my own messes I admit when I make a mistake I always show my agenda notes I take care of school belongings I help my friends I do not lose my stuff I keep my desk clean I do my homework I write as neatly as I can I welcome new people I sweep the floor I listen to others
What Our Students Said Collaboration I work as a team member I take turns I respect others I share ideas and belongings I help others I include everyone I share responsibilities I divide work equally and fairly Everyone contributes their thoughts and actions I let people help me I don’t bully I am nice and we get along I use appropriate language I look at the person who is talking I sometimes discuss things with an elbow partner I respond during discussions
What Our Students Said Organization I have my pencil, eraser, agenda and other tools I need I return things where they belong I keep my work space neat and tidy I create a list of jobs from most to least important I use my time wisely I put my workbook in a pile with the other ones that are the same I keep track of due dates and events in my agenda I bring my gym equipment on gym days I return library books on time I write my name, the date and title on my work I highlight important ideas and information
What Our Students Said Independent Work I use the feedback my teacher gives me to make my work better I concentrate on my work so I get it done on time I follow the teacher’s instructions with only a reminder or two I reread and check my work before handing it in I move my ‘arrows’ to the top of my next work to use the feedback I use class time to finish my work
What Our Students Said Self-Regulation I know that following rules helps me learn better I ask for help when I need it I try my best I keep trying and don’t give up I know what I am good at and what I need to work on I seek clarification I persevere to complete a task I monitor my progress I identify strategies that work for me I reflect on my needs and strengths I persist to complete tasks I manage my reactions to situations I am respectful to others and myself I maintain a balance of activities and know when it is time to work/play
Sharing Our Results
Sharing Our Work
Benefits Student and parent response at Meet the Teacher Night Parent response at progress report conferences Consistent interpretation of Learning Skills and Work Habits throughout the school Easy transition to Learning Goals and Success Criteria
Reflections What was done to help teachers be successful? How has professional practice been impacted by the experience?
References Page 10, Growing Success: