The Family Under Fire
The Foes of Marriage The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25
1. Unbiblical Partner The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 A. Sexual Criteria B. Scriptural Criteria
2 Corinthians 6:14-15 “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:14-15 “Or what does Christ have in common with Baal or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever?”
1. Unbiblical Partner The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 A. Sexual Criteria B. Scriptural Criteria C. Spiritual Criteria
1. Unbiblical Partner The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 A. Sexual Criteria B. Scriptural Criteria C. Spiritual Criteria D. Simple Criteria
1. Unbiblical Partner 2. Unrealistic Picture The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25
1. Unbiblical Partner 2. Unrealistic Picture 3. Unimportant Priorities The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25
1. Unbiblical Partner 2. Unrealistic Picture 3. Unimportant Priorities 4. Ungodly Pride The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25
1. Unbiblical Partner 2. Unrealistic Picture 3. Unimportant Priorities 4. Ungodly Pride The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25
5. Unholy Pornography The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25
American Family Association “Sex” is the #1 searched-for word on the internet
American Family Association 60% of all web sites are pornography sites
American Family Association 90% of 8-16 year olds have viewed internet pornography
MSNBC/Stanford/Wash. Times 25 million Americans visit internet porn sites between 1 and 10 hours per week
MSNBC/Stanford/Wash. Times An additional 4.7 million Americans spend 11 or more hours per week viewing internet porn Internet pornography was determined to be the #1 cause of divorce in America
5. Unholy Pornography 6. Unfaithful Promiscuity The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25 The Foes of Marriage Genesis 2:18-25
The Family Under Fire