1 Co.6:12-20 Chapter 5: outrageous fornication Chapter 6: ordinary fornication – Perversion of Paul? (Ro.3:8; 5:20; 6:14)Fornication Condemns, :8 Corrupts, 13Consider God, 14 Christ, Holy Spirit, 19-21
1 Co.7 Paul is answering questions, not providing a complete examination of marriage issues 1 Co.6 – libertine position 1 Co.7 –ascetic tendencies Outline: How to avoid temptation, 1-7 Priorities in marriage, 8-16, 28 Singles, 6-9, 25-26, Virgins, Remarriage after death, 39-40
Authorized activities, 1 Co.7:2-5 Goal: avoid fornication, 2 Means: marriage relations, 2-3 Explanation: Danger: deprivation, 5 Exception: Normally: body is ours, 4; Ro.1:24 Spiritually: body is God’s, 6:19-20 Maritally: body is mate’s, 7:3-5 Normally: body is ours, 4; Ro.1:24 Spiritually: body is God’s, 6:19-20 Maritally: body is mate’s, 7:3-5 1 Consentual pact 2 Temporary period 3 Spiritual purpose 4 Restored partnership 1 Consentual pact 2 Temporary period 3 Spiritual purpose 4 Restored partnership
Unauthorized divorce, 1 Co.7: Disobeys, v.10 (cf. Mt.19:4-6; Ep.5) 2.Violates marriage vow. Ep.4:25; Rv.21:8 3.Challenges God, Mal.2:16 4.May cause mate to stumble, Mt.5:32 5.Consequence: your mate could divorce you for no reason 6.Contextual warnings: 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 1 Jn.2:1 7.Not permission, but instruction (cf. 1 Jn.2:1) 8.“Remain unmarried” anticipates possible stubbornness of the other spouse…
Not under bondage, 1 Co.7:15 1. Bondage: * to make someone a slave …enslave a people Ac.7:6... cause to be like a slave, Ro.6:18, 22; 1 Co.9:19; 7:15; Ga.4:3; Tit.2:3 – BDAG *to gain control over someone and thus make such an individual subservient to one’s own interests – L-N. Ill.: Ac.13: No reference to remarriage. 3. “Such cases” = believer & unbeliever 4. Perfect tense verb
Circumstances, 1 Co.7: Present distress, Pressure in the flesh, 28 3.Passing of world, Preoccupation with marriage, Promises of fathers, Permanence of marriage, 39-40