1 ND Community Call Teal Community 27 October 2015
2 Agenda Welcome Review of our community’s Title I, Part D (TIPD) programs Technical assistance (TA) questions Federal monitoring Upcoming events and opportunities
3 Introductions New Community Members Welcome
4 Teal Community
5 Review of TIPD Programs
6 Compelling Requests Current Needs TA Questions
7 TA Questions: Neglect Programs (1) 1.Do most States use TIPD for their neglect programs? 2.Do other States using TIPA for their neglect programs also not report data for the CSPR?
8 States Using TIPD for Neglect Programs
9 Number of States Average Number of Neglect Programs Subpart 1 only86 Subpart 2 only1732 Both Subparts617 No Neglect Programs21n/a
10 TA Questions: Neglect Programs (2) 1.Do most States use TIPD for their neglect programs? 2.Do other States using TIPA for their neglect programs also not report data for the CSPR?
11 Part DPart A Funds may be used for a broader purpose than comparable services in a State or local neglect program. Funds are used within a local neglect facility to provide comparable services. Do Other States Using TIPA for Their Neglect Programs Also Not Report Data for the CSPR?
12 Do Other States Using TIPA for Their Neglect Programs Also Not Report Data for the CSPR? To our knowledge, there is no CSPR data collection for TIPA. Neglect programs that only receive TIPA funding should not be included in the TIPD section of the CSPR. However, if programs receive both TIPA and TIPD funds, only the students who benefit from the TIPD funding should be reported in the CSPR. This information is available in more detail in the CSPR Instructional Guide ( delinquent.org/resource/instructional-guide-reporting- title-i-part-d-data-cspr-sy ). delinquent.org/resource/instructional-guide-reporting- title-i-part-d-data-cspr-sy
13 TA Questions: Annual Count (1) 1.Should youth be adjudicated or court ordered in order to be counted as delinquent on the annual count? 2.Can our state change their Subpart 2 annual count window to maximize numbers? 3.The annual count generates a lot more funds for Subpart 2 short term facilities in my state. Is there a way to more evenly distribute funds to long term facilities?
14 Who Is Included in LEA’s Delinquent Count? Per the statute (Subpart 3: Sec. 1432: Definitions), youth who are delinquent have been adjudicated to be delinquent or in need of supervision.Subpart 3: Sec. 1432: Definitions The count is based on an eligible facility’s October caseload. Any child or youth residing in an eligible institution may be counted if the youth: –Is 5-17 years old during the count window and –Has not also been counted in the State agency (SA) annual count or other Title I funding stream count. NDTAC’s annual count toolkit includes a requirements checklist to help you determine count eligibility for LEAs/SAs, facilities, and children/youth, as well as the count window.annual count toolkitrequirements checklist
15 TA Questions: Annual Count (2) 1.Should youth be adjudicated or court ordered in order to be counted as delinquent on the annual count? 2.Can our state change their Subpart 2 annual count window to maximize numbers? 3.The annual count generates a lot more funds for Subpart 2 short term facilities in my state. Is there a way to more evenly distribute funds to long term facilities?
16 LEA / Subpart 2 Annual Count: Count Window September SMTWTFS October SMTWTFS November SMTWTFS An LEA’s S2 count window can start as early as September 2nd or as late as October 31st. The window must be for 30 consecutive days and at least one day of that window must be in October. The SEA may set the window for all LEAs, or it may allow LEAs and facilities to choose their windows independently.
17 TA Questions: Annual Count (3) 1.Should youth be adjudicated or court ordered in order to be counted as delinquent on the annual count? 2.Can our state change their Subpart 2 annual count window to maximize numbers? 3.The annual count generates a lot more funds for Subpart 2 short term facilities in my state. Is there a way to more evenly distribute funds to long term facilities?
18 Section M-1 of Nonregulatory Guidance The SEA has the option of awarding subgrants to eligible LEA s by formula or through a discretionary grant process. If an SEA chooses to award Subpart 2 subgrants on a discretionary basis, it may establish criteria or priorities or both, consistent with State requirements for awarding grants. If an SEA distributes funds through a formula, it may allocate funds proportionately among the eligible LEAs based on each LEA ’s proportionate share of children in correctional facilities or delinquent institutions. In either case, the SEA must develop procedures for determining and notifying LEAs within the State that they are eligible to receive Subpart 2 funds.
19 TA Questions: Current Needs Drafting formal agreements –Looking for templates and/or examples Building and maintaining strong relationships with SAs –As a new TIPD coordinator –With new SA contacts –When there are concerns (e.g. carryover requests, data not improving)
20 Federal Monitoring
21 Monitoring plan: Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS) Monitoring Plan for Homeless and Neglected or Delinquent Education Programs – US Department of Education (ED) Revised December 2014 Reflects reorganization that moved the TIPD program to OSHS Federal Monitoring
22 Federal Monitoring Monitoring indicators: Used by ED to determine degree of implementation of federal programs and activities administered by SEAs in three areas: I.Standards, Assessment, and Accountability II.Instructional Support III.Fiduciary Criteria ensure consistent application of standards across monitoring teams and states Provide guidance for all states re: purpose and intended outcomes of monitoring by describing what is being monitored and providing criteria for judging the quality of implementation (acceptable evidence)
23 Resources Federal monitoring: A Guide to Meeting Compliance Requirements for the Title I, Part D Program, NDTACA Guide to Meeting Compliance Requirements for the Title I, Part D Program OSHS Monitoring Plan for Homeless and Neglected or Delinquent Monitoring Programs, EDOSHS Monitoring Plan for Homeless and Neglected or Delinquent Monitoring Programs December 2014 quarterly call materials, ED/NDTAC February 2015 community call, NDTACFebruary 2015 community call Subgrantee monitoring: Tips for Subgrantee Monitoring, NDTACTips for Subgrantee Monitoring topical call series on subgrantee monitoring tools, NDTAC topical call series on subgrantee monitoring tools
24 NDTAC and State Events What’s New for NDTAC Upcoming Events and Opportunities
25 Upcoming Events Community calls February 2016 July 2016 Other events – TBD Topical calls Webinars Conference Calls with ED Other events in the community?
26 What’s New for NDTAC State plans extranet site and pilot program Conference presentations