North American Hemisphere Description – stretches from Canada to Northern to European to Asia Soil type- wet & frozen Precipitation – lots and lots of rain, sleet, and snow Temperature ranges – 50 degrees North & 60 degrees North Climate- snowy
Plants Species – cone-bearing evergreens, trees,lichens, mosses Animal Species – moose, lynx,Wolverine,Coopers Hawks, Wolves, foxes, snowshoe hare, deer, elks, bears, chipmunks, bats, wood pecker.
Plants -coniferous,trees are abundant roots long to anchor trees need to less long thin and waxy low sunlight poor soil to keep plants from growing. Animals – thick fur or feathers to keep them warm, some have sharp claws for climbing tree so they can hide from there pray color white 2 hidden colors snow colors brown to hide in trees.
Biotic- different biotic such as moose's, lynx, shrew, (ect.) are some of the animals that live in the Taiga. a biotic – Forest of the Taiga be so dense that the little sunlight penetrates the trees to reach the forest trees, plants, an water (ect.)
Biodiversity - is the variety of life, and it can be studied on many levels.The types of biodiversity are :genetic biodiversity, and ecological biodiversity. Genetic biodiversity- is the variation in genes that exist within a species. Ecological biodiversity- is the diversity of the ecosystem, natural community and habitat
The property catalogue all the life on the earth we also have to recognize the genetics diversity and exist within species as well as the diversity of entire habitat and ecosystem.