Session 3 – Spring 2013 Welcome! Please grab a drink and a biscuit, then find a table.
Magic Beans What do you notice?
We’re hiring… There are lots of tips and tricks to help you learn times tables. Do you know any? Who would like to come and share their ideas?
Multiplication - Number Line 9 x 5 =
Multiplication – Partitioning 18 x 3 = ? 10 x 3 = 30 8 x 3 = Try 16 x 4
x Multiplication – Grid Method 527 x 32 = ? ,864
24 x 3 = 36 x 11= 132 x 89 = 325 x 163 = Children you are the experts! Help the adults with how to do it. Multiplication – Grid Method ,748 52,975 7 x 8 = 6 x 7= 9 x 3 =
Representation Let children express their understanding of a concept in their own way. Circle time! Now show what you know using the cubes on your table or on paper.
Which is the odd one out and why
Resources on Website If you don’t have access to the internet, please let us know and we will be happy to provide paper versions of all materials.
Games to play at home Multiplication Games Nrich Multiplication Activities